…the room bursting to its seams!
On the 5th and 6th of June, the 2nd Greek Investment Forum, co-organized by the Athens Exchange and the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce took place in New York’s, Plaza Hotel.
The Investment Forum entitled “Greece: Seizing the Opportunities”” aimed at restoring US investors’ institutional trust for Greece at a political, economic and business level. To this end, the Forum incorporated a whole series of events which were designed to highlight the important structural changes taking place in Greece and the significant investment opportunities that arise out of the country’s reorganisation.

Socrates Lazaridis
The Forum consisted of two parts: a Conference on the 5th of June, where personalities from the political, economic and business community from both Greece and the U.S, presented the prospects of the Greek economy and its main economic sectors. On the 6th of June, Greek state agencies responsible for foreign investments and privatizations such as the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund, the Invest in Greece Agency together with (23) of the biggest companies listed on the Athens Exchange, presented their corporate profiles and investment plans during One-on-One (1:1) meetings with a large number of US institutional investors.

Christos Staikouras
It was the vision of the Athens Exchange and the American–Hellenic Chamber of Commerce to provide a networking forum for the US and Greek investment community and to inform investors about the investment opportunities arising out of Greece’s change. Over 20 prestigious speakers from Greek and multinational companies, organizations and investment funds as well as moderators from US Press and Media, provided the over (400) attendees with valuable insight on new developments in Greece.

Yiannis Gramatidis
More than 100 funds represented by over 150 analysts, participated in the 2nd Greek Investment Forum, including Morgan Stanley, Templeton, Highfields Capital, Ziff Brothers Investments, Lazard, Columbia Wanger AM, Contrarian Capital Management, Baupost, Discerene Value Advisors, Dupont, Fintech Advisors, Blackrock, Prudential, Paulson & Co., Neon Liberty, Argonaut, Pyramis Global Advisors.

On a l to r basis (front row) Michael Hadjipavlou, Costas Theodorou, Paris Vassiliadis, George Politis, Nicholas Papapolitis, Socrates Lazaridis (ATHEX Chairman), Evangelos Charatsis, Thanos Ipirotis, and Yanos Gramatidis, (back row) Konstantinos Kostopoulos and
Alexandros Argyros
The number of listed companies that participated was higher than ever: Alpha Bank, Attica Bank, Corinth Pipeworks, Creta Fram, Ellaktor, Eurobank Properties, Folli Follie Group, Gek Terna, Hellenic Exchanges, Hellenic Petroleum, Intralot, Kri-Kri, Lamda Development, Marfin Investment Group, Metka, Mytilineos, OPAP, OTE, Papoutsanis, Piraeus Bank, Thrace Plastics, Terna Enegry and Titan.
In total more than 450 meetings between fund managers and representatives of Greek listed companies were scheduled during the Forum.
The Forum was sponsored by :
Large investment firms, both international and Greek (Morgan Stanley, AXIA Ventures, Alpha Finance, NBG Securities, Eurobank Equities, Euroxx & Beta Securities).
Law offices, international and Greek (ReedSmith/Papapolitis & Papapolitis, Tsibanoulis & Partners)
One of the Big4 International Auditing firms (Deloitte)
Leading companies in key sectors like shipping, (NAVIOS Maritime Holdings Inc), tourism (Grand Resort Lagonissi) and food & drinks (GAEA).
MEC was the communications sponsor.

Andreas Stylianopoulos, John Frasca, Robert van Pappelendam (standing) and Mrs Penny Manis
The Forum began with the introductory remarks by the Presidents of the Athens Exchange and of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Messrs. Lazaridis and Gramatidis, who noted that the objective of the Forum for both organizations is to improve the image of Greece abroad and to contribute in the country gradually regaining its credibility.
Mr. Christos Staikouras, Alternate Minister of Finance represented the Greek Government. In his remarks, he noted that the efforts of the government are focused on continuing the fiscal adjustment, carrying out tax reform, restructuring the public sector, promoting development through a comprehensive strategy and a stable, viable and adequately capitalized banking system, the implementation, at a quicker pace, of the privatization program, and the adoption of policies to increase employment.

Peter Poulos, Angeliki Dikeoulia, Litsa Panagyotopoulos, Pantelis Lamprou, Nikos Porfiris, Yanos Gramatidis, Socrates Lazaridis, ATHEX Chairman, Eleni Panagopoulou, Christina Kosma, Stelios Constantinou, Karolina Douloufaki, Peggy Papastavrou, Georgia Mourla, Myles Presler, Elias Spirtounias, Eva Fatachi and Stacy Dimakakos,
He went on to add: “we are aware that the policies of fiscal adjustment and discipline, necessary though they may be, are not in and of themselves adequate in order for the country to exit from this crisis. These policies must be combined with initiatives to promote growth in the economy. The country is on the right path. The goals set are being achieved, the fiscal adjustment is unprecedented and viable, recently adopted reforms are far reaching and sustainable, the recapitalization of the banks is being completed, the investment environment has been improved, and the recovery of the economy is expected in 2014. Of course, there is no room for complacency and rejoicing, nor however for despair. The right time to invest in Greece is today.”