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Home Associations International Coastal Cleanup – Sept 17th, 2016

International Coastal Cleanup – Sept 17th, 2016

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NAMEPA is proud to be part of The International Coastal Cleanup on
September 17th, 2016!
This is the largest single-day volunteer cleanup effort in the world to tackle the growing threat of trash in our ocean.
Every year, an estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste flows into the ocean. It’s bad news for the health of this vital natural resource, the iconic ocean wildlife we all love as well as our own health, safety and prosperity.


Trash in the ocean can entrap and strangle ocean wildlife. It can also causesignificant damage to the other elements of marine ecosystems, especially near-shore environments which often have some of the highest concentrations of biodiversity. Trash is increasingly making its way into the stomachs of marine species.At least 690 different species of marine life, including marine birds, have been documented with ocean trash, especially plastic, in their stomachs. In certain fish markets in California, sample studies have found plastics to be in the contents of at least 25% of the fish sampled on a given day.


Clean Swell App
Allows volunteers to log the trash they find into the Ocean Trash Index in real time. The Ocean Trash Index is the world’s largest database on marine litter. This database is used to educate and inform scientists, conservation groups, governments and industry leaders about ocean trash and take action to ensure trash never reaches our beaches.

More Information Here

Last Year…
The 30th International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) resulted in more than 18 million pounds (eight million kilograms) of trash-equivalent to the weight of more than 100 Boeing 737s-collected by nearly 800,000 volunteers.
Together, more than 11 million volunteers have removed more than 210 million pounds (more than 95 million kilograms) of trash over three decades!
Social Media
Share the experience with your friends and NAMEPA!
Twitter: @NAMEPA1 & @OurOcean
Instagram: @NAMEPA1 & @Oceanconservancy
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