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Press Statement from Bavaria Catamarans and Bavaria Yachtbau Holding

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Press Statement from Bavaria Catamarans and Bavaria Yachtbau Holding

Due to media inquiries about the acquisition of shares in the French manufacturer Bavaria Catamarans SAS by the German Bavaria Yachtbau Holding GmbH we would like to inform you about the facts:

Former shareholders of Nautitech SA, who sold their shares, in present day Bavaria Catamarans SAS, in the year 2014, and the legal successor of the purchaser at that time are currently in litigation over the issue whether further purchase price payments have to be made to the former shareholders. In relation to this, allegations have been made by the former shareholders about the existence of a pledge over the shares in Bavaria Catamarans and a purportedly uncertain shareholding structure.

Against this background, we feel compelled to state as follows:

Bavaria Yachtbau Holding GmbH, a portfolio company of CMP German Opportunity Fund III, is the parent company of Bavaria Catamarans SAS. In connection with the acquisition of the German business of Bavaria Yachtbau it validly acquired all shares in Bavaria Catamarans SAS with all rights and privileges pertaining thereto.

Rochefort / Giebelstadt, January 20, 2019

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