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Home HRMaritime Education and Training American Club member alert (May 5, 2020) re – loss prevention: E-learning tools

American Club member alert (May 5, 2020) re – loss prevention: E-learning tools

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American Club member alert (May 5, 2020) re – loss prevention: E-learning tools
MAY 05, 2020
COVID-19 has created many challenges and disruptions to the maritime industry, including in regard to seafarer training.
Members are reminded that the American Club maintains a library of e-Learning modules that can be accessed remotely by seafarers. Access to these training modules is free for Members.
The e-learning modules are in English and Mandarin. For Members not currently using these training tools, a summary of the topics they address can be found at the Club’s website at:
For newly-registered Members, and Members who are using the Plug & Play (PnP) hard drive, the modules can be accessed as follows:
  1. Go to https://secure4.idessonline.com/americanclub/sealearn/
  2. Click the link “Click here to register”
  3. Fill out the Club Member Registration Form then click the Submit button.
Members will be notified via email once their Super Administrator account is activated.
Members should direct any questions regarding this subject, and others concerning loss prevention generally, to Ms. Danielle Centeno, Assistant Vice President–Loss Prevention & Survey Compliance, at danielle.centeno@american-club.com or to Dr. William Moore, Senior Vice President at william.moore@american-club.com.

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