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Princess Charlene back in public eye

by admin

Good Morning Monaco

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Princess Charlene back in public eye
Formula E racing ranks rather low in terms of public excitement and has a long way to go before it catches up with what aficianados of motor racing call ‘the real thing’ – coming to Monaco later this month…

Turning point for electric vehicles in Monaco
More electric vehicles are being registered in Monaco than ever before, and it seems likely that by the end of this year 15 percent of new vehicles will be electric or hybrid…

Boom in private jets still flying high A shift toward private flying that more wealthy Americans saw as a necessary luxury during COVID-19 is now showing signs of becoming something else: a pricey but sought-after alternative to a premium ticket on a commercial flight…

Monaco‘s pandemic figures continue slow decline By the end of the three-day weekend, the number of patients being treated for coronavirus symptoms at Princess Grace Hospital had fallen slightly to 15, including five residents… 

This Week in Monaco
May 2-8. 

AS Monaco keep up pressure in fight for second place
AS Monaco are the most in-form team in Europe’s five biggest leagues, having won an impressive seven consecutive matches, the latest of which saw… 

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