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Home HRAccessories Marks and Spencer demonstrates value and style credentials through new repair service

Marks and Spencer demonstrates value and style credentials through new repair service

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Susannah Streeter
  • M&S has partnered with clothing repair and alterations experts, SOJO. 
  • From August, M&S customers can book a repair service through a new online hub – ‘M&S Fixed by SOJO.
  • The initiative is part of its new sustainability and circular business initiative ‘Another Life.’
  • The strategy shows that the firm wants to stay abreast of fashion trends, while offering value to the customer.
  • Service will need close attention and risks unravelling if demand exceeds expectations.

Susannah Streeter, head of money and markets, Hargreaves Lansdown

‘’Marks and Spencer’s move into offering a clothing repair service, is part of its strategy to demonstrate value to the customer, whilst maintaining a sharp focus on fashion trends.

It’s fought hard to re-establish its style credentials after spending years in the fashion wilderness. In Clothing & Home, full year revenue growth of 5.2% reflects improved customer perceptions of value, quality, and style. That’s by no means an easy feat and is a key reason for M&S being able to sell 81% of clothes at full price, far higher than many of its rivals. Now that its collections are being revered by the fashion set, it’s clear that its merchandising teams do not intend to be left behind in sustainability stakes. With even Primark now offering vintage franchises in store, Marks and Spencer needed an offering to set it apart from high street rivals. Small repairs to garments will lengthen their life and will elevate the value proposition. However, running a repair service of this scale won’t come cheap, even though its partnering with SOJO, and there is some risk that it could unravel particularly if demand exceeds expectations.”

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