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Home ShipmanagementClassification Societies DNV Maritime Academy Hellas – Planning and Management of Effective Drydocking & Retrofittings

DNV Maritime Academy Hellas – Planning and Management of Effective Drydocking & Retrofittings

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DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 30 and 31 October 2024, a course on how to plan and manage drydocking & retrofitting activities, so that these will be done effectively / promptly.

Course Objectives

  • To offer combined knowledge to all staff of shipping companies (especially for Technical & Marine Superintendents), how to organize and execute successfully the planned and occasional drydockings and necessary retrofittings (as to be combined), in cooperation with vessel’s Officers and the remaining office staff to be involved (i.e. Supply, Crew, HSQE departments).
  • To assist T/S and M/S to carry out effectively budget estimations for all drydockings, but also to keep close monitoring cost control for whole D-D period in any Yard (i.e. to assure Charterers for prompt sailing & Management for D-D execution within est. budget & planned time).

Focus points

  • Planning and data collection to issue the D-D specification. Carry out cost and time estimations.  
  • Defining exact time-window / schedule to carry out each D-D (and in what area), by using also assistance of local S/E, considering the travelling difficulties of the Company Representatives. 
  • Ask yards for binding cost and time quotations, within specified conditions and constraints. 
  • Carry out overall cost estimations for all work items. Prepare reliable and consistent tables for cost control & time comparisons, among candidate yards (i.e. after the “technical levelling” of yard offers).  
  • Organize meetings for company decisions, pertaining to: preferred yards, subcontractors, service engineers, riding teams and supplies of paints, spares, etc., but mainly for the S/E assigned for the physical monitoring & daily management. 
  • Issue, approve and finalize complete the contract agreements with Yard and the paints supplier(s), plus with the Consulting Bureau, as to be used for the availability of local S/E, in combination with their responsibilities & authorizations. 
  • Inform and coordinate all vessel’s Officers, Class, Inspectors and Company related Departments, considering difficulties for the crew changes, plus to make use of the local S/E(s). 
  • Plan and execute the initial “kick-off meeting” in yard, as well as all daily D-D & retrofittings project management meetings, plus how-to close-out outstandings, and to recover possible delays. 
  • Coordinate efficiently the company staff in yard (if any), but mainly the local S/Es, together with crew Officers and Service Engineers (possibly combined with those of scrubbers and BWTS). 
  • Organize successfully vessel’s docking / undocking, including all production activities (i.e. painting), based on the daily cooperation (through “skype”, “teams”, “communication platforms”).  
  • Establish effective cooperation with the yard “Ship Repair Manager” (SRM and his assistants) for ensuring adequate workforce, avoid delays and achieve yard promised quality / workmanship. 
  • Ensure methods and precautions for successful blasting & painting works and to obtain full guarantee performances for all the applied paints (from their suppliers and without constraints). 
  • Cooperate with local Class Surveyors and closing-out successfully all the Class outstandings. 
  • Apply procedures to avoid yard extras & time delays, by negotiating effectively the “Works Done List”, in full correspondence with yard assigned works, services and supplies, including possible installations of BWTS, fuel scrubbers, etc. 
  • Collect all necessary reports, measurements, calibration records, certificates etc. (and classify them consistently for advising vessel and Technical Department), keeping also close control over any last technical, or commercial outstanding. 
  • Negotiate effectively (with the yard Commercial Division) their issued invoice, in consistent comparison with D-D specification, yard offers, extras and credits and the finally completed works.

Who should attend:       All Technical and Marine Superintendents, including Fleet, Technical & Operations Managers, who will be involved for any D-D, repairs and retrofitting project at any yard.  Also, other staff members of Shipping Companies, who will be directly involved in such combined D-D, but also staff from Consulting Bureaus to offer D-D supervision activities, through their local S/E(s).


Venue, date: DNV Premises, 30-31 October 2024 (10:00 – 17:00)

Trainer: Mr Dimos Iliopoulos, Naval Architect and Marine Engineer, DNV’s Maritime Academy Trainer.

Fees: Euros 940,00 plus VAT

Registration Deadline: 22 October 2024

You can book it through our Training Portal DNV GL External – Browse Catalogue.

Should you require additional information or clarifications please do not hesitate to contact us.  

We look forward to welcoming you. 

Best regards,

Marina Papaioannou PhD Regional Maritime Academies Manager Maritime Service Center

Please copy your answer to the e-mail address: academy.hellas@dnv.com DNV HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER S.A. General Register of Commerce Number 44409907000

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