by Capt. Michalis Fragkias – Senior Marine Consultant, ex-DPA & HSQE Manager at Sun Enterprises Ltd For years the shipping industry has focused on and relied on numerous regulations to…
MLC 2006
Paris MoU – 2024 CIC on Crew Wages and Seafarer Employment Agreements (MLC, 2006)
JOINT CONCENTRATED INSPECTION CAMPAIGN ON CREW WAGES AND SEAFARER EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS (MLC, 2006) The Member Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control…
MLC 2006 Implementation and Compliance DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 12 March 2024, a course on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006). The convention is in force and every ship and…
MLC 2006 Implementation and Compliance DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 9 November 2023, a course on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006). The convention is in force and every ship and…
DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 14 February 2023, a course on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006). The convention is in force and every ship and ship owner has to comply…
New measures to improve conditions for seafarers, including those who have been abandoned, have been adopted at a meeting involving governments and maritime workers and employers’ organizations. Guidelines on how…
Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Executive Director of SRI, joined key experts from international organisations, universities, the legal profession and the maritime industry to speak at the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Case Law…
Relevant for ship operators and managers. The 4th meeting of the ILO’s Special Tripartite Committee for the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) was held in Geneva from 5 to…
MLC 2006 Implementation and Compliance – Live Virtual Classroom DNV’s Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 18 and 19 January 2022, a course on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006). The convention is in…
ILO adopt’s proposal for global seafarers vaccination program as formal resolution
ILO adopt’s proposal for global seafarers vaccination program as formal resolution Cyprus drives progress in defining achievable solution to crew change crisis CYPRUS, 28 April2021: A resolution for a global…
HFW Briefing – MLC Update: Australia Imposes Lengthy Bans on Vessels For Failures to Pay Crew Wages All vessels operating in Australian waters must comply with relevant international standards given…
European Maritime Social Partners welcome the Directive ensuring the welfare of seafarers
The European Maritime Social Partners warmly welcome the European Commission’s adoption of their proposal to update their Agreement on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC). The…
IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim has welcomed the entry into force today (18 January) of new obligations under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) which require shipowners to have compulsory insurance…
The European Social Partners in the maritime transport sector – European shipowners (ECSA) and European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) are requesting the European Commission to amend the Social Partners’ Agreement…
From Christodoulos G. Vassiliades & Co LLC on the latest MLC 2006 ammendments: MARITIME LABOUR CONVENTION 2006 – AMENDMENTS Following the unanimous adoption by the Special Tripartite Committee of the…
With a strong Wi-Fi signal and your trusty smartphone, it’s easy to stay connected on land — but how do things change when you’re in the middle of the ocean…
A new project from the International Seafarers’ Welfare Assistance Network (ISWAN) aims to encourage the formation of port welfare boards around the world to provide a welcome to visiting seafarers.…
A new website designed to encourage the formation of port welfare boards around the world to provide a welcome to visiting seafarers has been launched today by the UK based…
Port State Control results Maritime Labour Convention one year after entry into force
Results first year Maritime Labour Convention: 113 ships detained for MLC related deficiencies 20 August 2014 marked the first anniversary of the entry into force of the Maritime Labour Convention…
The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) was adopted in Geneva in 2006 and entered into force on 20 August 2013. The convention is the fourth pillar of international maritime…
Specialist marine insurance intermediary Seacurus has called for proper enforcement of Port State Control regulations in the lead-up to adoption of amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 designed to protect…
Argentina is the third Latin American country to ratify this convention The Government of Argentina deposited with the International Labour Office the instrument of ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention,…
ICS publishes latest flag state performance table, taking account of ILO MLC ratification
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has launched its latest ‘Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table’ which can be downloaded from the ICS website – ICS Director External Relations,…
Bureau Veritas becomes first classification society authorised by Greece for MLC 2006 tasks on Greek-flag ships
BUREAU VERITAS S.A. became the first classification society authorized by the Greek maritime authorities to render MLC 2006 related statutory tasks on board Greek flagged ships Lambros Chahalis, president of…
Specialist marine insurance intermediary Seacurus says that reported doubts about the insurance industry’s ability to insure the liability for unpaid wages of abandoned seafarers under the Maritime Labour Convention 2006…