Can you please help me regarding advice on a contact who can help me about a feature I am working on regarding the the percentage of fuel that is lost to sludge?
I have been told that annual consumption by the maritime sector of of bunker fuel is is circa 400 million tonnes and that 1.5% is lost to sludge.
I would like to know if these figures are reasonably accurate.
FAO – Editorial office – All about Shipping
Can you please help me regarding advice on a contact who can help me about a feature I am working on regarding the the percentage of fuel that is lost to sludge?
I have been told that annual consumption by the maritime sector of of bunker fuel is is circa 400 million tonnes and that 1.5% is lost to sludge.
I would like to know if these figures are reasonably accurate.
Many thanks,
07785 953206
May we reproduce the pic of Jim Davis above in an obituary in a Trinity House publication please?
Appropriate acknowledgement will be made.