Report on the investigation of the capsize and foundering of the fishing vessel Njord resulting in one fatality, 150 nautical miles north-east of Peterhead, 6 March 2022. Summary: On 6 March 2022,…
ERT’s Thanos Choupis interviews allaboutshipping’s John Faraclas on Planet Oceans dire straits and its importance on current and future Geopolitics
John Faraclas on ERT’s global radio station “The Voice of Greece”, in the program “Greeks Everywhere”, with Thanos Choupis who interviewed him on the ragging wars and others about to…
MAIB Report: Fatal man overboard from the fishing vessel Pioneer south of Hastings, England on 29 July 2021
Final report on the investigation of a fatal man overboard from the fishing vessel Pioneer (NN200) south of Hastings, England on 29 July 2021 Summary: On the morning of 29…
More than 32,000 fishers in Kenya and Thailand supported by Stella Maris thanks to IFFS grants
On World Fisheries Day global maritime network Stella Maris is pleased to announce that more than 32,000 fishers in Thailand and Kenya are to benefit from targeted safety training thanks…
European Social Partners issue urgent call to protect Mediterranean coastal fishing communities
The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), Europêche and COGECA – European fisheries social partners- jointly adopted a resolution at their plenary meeting, urgently addressing the critical state of the Mediterranean…
MAIB Report: Grounding and subsequent loss of the fishing vessel Ocean Maid on Cairnbulg Point, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 24 October 2022
Report on the investigation of grounding and subsequent loss of the fishing vessel Ocean Maid (BA 55) on Cairnbulg Point, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on 24 October 2022 Summary: At 0549 on…
MAIB Report: collision between Guiding Light and Guiding Star resulting in the flooding and sinking of Guiding Star, 33 nautical miles south-east of Fair Isle, Scotland on 6 October 2022
Report on the investigation of the collision between the pair trawlers Guiding Light (H 90) and Guiding Star (H 360) resulting in the flooding and sinking of Guiding Star 33 nautical miles south-east of Fair Isle,…
Good Morning Monaco Thursday, September 26, 2024 Mixed economic performance in Monaco for the first half of the year Monaco’s economy saw a mixed performance in the first half of…
Within nine months of launching, the International Fund for Fishing Safety, (IFFS) has committed funding totalling £220,000 to support six fishing safety projects in South Africa, Ghana, Fiji, Kenya, Thailand and Vietnam.…
MCA’s seafarer safety lead announced as keynote speaker for charity Port Welfare Conference The Head of Seafarer Safety and Health at the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has been announced as the…
Maritime charity launches new online training to drive up welfare standards in fishing sector
Maritime charity launches new online training to drive up welfare standards in fishing sector A new online training course has been launched by a leading maritime charity to help drive…
Sunday 12 May marked the inaugural National Fishing Remembrance Day, a new annual event dedicated to honouring those who lost their lives while working in the fishing industry. The day…
Remembering Hull’s Headscarf Revolutionaries on the first ever National Fishing Remembrance Day
To mark National Fishing Remembrance Day The Seafarers’ Charity and Seafish are joining forces to highlight the legacy of the “Headscarf Revolutionaries” who successfully campaigned to change the law and improve fishing…
Non-profit marine conservation organisation Sea Shepherd Global depends on the reliability, speed, and global coverage of Inmarsat Fleet Xpress to report destructive and illegal fishing practices and ultimately effect positive change Founded in…
BAIRD MARITIME WORK BOAT AWARD We are pleased to announce with great pride that our design for the 109-meter BAKKAFOSSUR, one of the most advanced well boats in the global…
Funding now available for organisations focused on reducing accidents and fatalities for fishers in The Global South. The International Fund for Fishing Safety, a grant giving programme providing financial support…
More than 60 fishing businesses receive loans and financial support from Commsave Credit Union
A revolutionary new partnership and initiative from The Seafarers’ Charity and Commsave Credit Union has delivered affordable financial services to more than 60 fishing families over the last two years.…
Today on World Fisheries Day, maritime welfare charities have joined forces to support a new annual National Fishing Remembrance Day for those who have lost their lives while fishing at sea. The…
HOOK, LINE, AND SAFETY: CREWSAVER JOINS FORCES WITH SEA ANGLING CLASSIC 2024 Crewsaver, Survitec’s leading lifejacket brand, has announced its partnership with Sea Angling Classic, the UK’s biggest sea fishing…
Former Maritime Minister becomes Vice President of welfare charity in 75th anniversary year The Merchant Navy Welfare Board (MNWB) has appointed former Maritime Minister Robert Courts MP as Vice President.…
Editor: Sandra Speares | Email: The Maritime Advocate is free to readers and is entirely supported by advertisers and sponsors. A banner advertisement represents excellent value so please consider using…
Republic of Nicaragua’s accession marks major step for 2012 Cape Town Agreement entry into force and improved fishing vessel safety. A crucial milestone has been reached on the path towards global…
A new International Fund for Fishing Safety (IFFS) has been announced today, for the first time providing financial support for on-the-ground safety initiatives that focus on providing a better future…
MAIB Report: Fatal man overboard from fishing vessel Harriet J, west of Fast Castle Head, Scotland, 28 August 2021
Summary: At about 0736 on 28 August 2021, the owner and skipper of the lone-operated creel fishing vessel Harriet J accidentally entered the water while shooting the fishing gear. The unmanned vessel…