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Home HRAcademia The Development of Greek Shipping Dynasties: Succession across Generations; issues to remember!

The Development of Greek Shipping Dynasties: Succession across Generations; issues to remember!

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The panel on an l to r: Prof. Panikkos Poutziouris, Dr. Loukas Glyptis, Haralambos J. Fafalios and George Mouskas

The panel on an l to r: Prof. Panikkos Poutziouris, Dr. Loukas Glyptis, Haralambos J. Fafalios and George K.  Mouskas

Following the successful delivery of the workshop “The Development of Greek Shipping Dynasties: Succession across Generations”, which was conducted on 29th April, 2014 by UClan Cyprus, the Enterprising British University on the island in conjunction with Allaboutshipping.co.uk and supported by the Hellenic Centre in London, we provide as promised herein full versions of the organisers’ speeches and presentations. We hope that these will be of benefit to anyone interested in the history and entrepreneurial development of Greek-owned shipping to an enduring family venture, which blends traditional shipping values with innovative business strategies.

A view of the participants at the Great Hall of London's Hellenic Centre

A view of the participants at the Great Hall of London’s Hellenic Centre

In detail, Dr Loukas G. Glyptis of UCLan Cyprus, started the workshop by offering a presentation on the historical development of Greek-owned shipping dating as back as the Fall of Constantinople. He elaborated, however, on the emergence of strong networks of Greek shipping families in the 19th century, which formed the stepping stone for the phenomenal growth that Greek-owned shipping experienced in the 20th century; particularly after WWII. Dr Glyptis concluded his presentation by both outlining the effects of the latest economic crisis on Greek shipping and offering a perspective on its current trends and prospects.

On the other hand, Mr George K. Mouskas of Zela Shipping Ltd. offered his perspective on how the family business whose management he succeeded from his father and brother has come to endure and yet evolve in times of change. Mr Mouskas emphasised particularly the strengths that family ties can contribute to a shipping venture, but was also keen on elaborating on the risks involved thereto. He particularly made a case for a senior family member who can step in to steer the family shipping business into safe waters.

George Mouskas presenting senior Mouskas' book

George Mouskas (centre) presenting senior Mouskas’ book with Prof. Poutziouris on his left and Dr. Glyptis to his right

At the same time, Mr Haralambos J. Fafalios reinforced that family unity and common origin, along with a clear sense of identity and humility are the core foundational success factors of Greek-owned shipping. Following questions from attendants on the role of women in what seems to be a predominantly masculine venture, Mr Fafalios, while acknowledged that the role of women is not immediately too apparent to the lay person, he capitalised on Mr Faraclas’s speech by stressing out that women have played a vital role in supporting the success of the Greek shipping venture, even though that role has largely been fulfilled from a more of a backstage position.  Both Mr Mouskas and Mr Fafalios concurred that commitment to the sea and to the art of shipping are of paramount importance in leading a shipping venture into success.

Mr. John Faraclas’ presentation, which was “live” from the Far East due to his business trip there, focused on the  advantage of education and the contribution of women in the shipping adventure.

Finally, Prof Panikkos Poutziouris of UCLan Cyprus gave a presentation emphasising on the family entrepreneurship dynamics that underpin the Greek Shipping venture, raised a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the familial nature of Greek shipping, and concluded with offering ten commandments for the effective management of family businesses.

Prof. Poutziouris presentation: http://www.scribd.com/doc/222824297/Poutziouris-Development-of-Greek-Shipping-Firms-Across-Generations-Hellenic-Centre-April-2014

Dr. Glyptis presentation: http://www.scribd.com/doc/222824294/Glyptis-Greek-Shipping-Dynasties

John N. Faraclas prsentation, full text: JNF paper for Hellenic Centres Event – 29 April 2014 – full version   and live video:

The fact that inquiries and comments (positive ones !) are still coming* is a testimony of a great job done.
Once more many thanks to all ; especially to the real protagonists in the shipping industry,  in making the workshop “The Development of Greek Shipping Dynasties: Succession across Generations” an enjoyable – learning journey!

* to UClan’s mail


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