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Home Associations Understanding potential impacts of marine geoengineering

Understanding potential impacts of marine geoengineering

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IMO 26 MAY 201625/05/2016  – A new GESAMP working group on marine geoengineering held its first meeting at IMO Headquarters, London, this week (23-25 May). The overall objective of the Working Group (WG 41) is to better understand the potential impacts of proposed marine geoengineering techniques on the marine environment – including social and economic consequences. The Group will also provide advice to the London Protocol Parties to assist them in identifying those marine geoengineering techniques that may be sensible to be considered for listing in the new Annex 4 of the Protocol.

The Working Group, established at the forty-second session of GESAMP, held in Paris last year, is being led by IMO with the support from IOC of UNESCO and WMO. This first, inception meeting, under the chairmanship of Dr. Chris Vivian (United Kingdom) and Professor Philip Boyd (Australia), included scientists from Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. The Group will deliver an initial high level assessment report to the nine UN Sponsoring Agencies which make up GESAMP, in 2017.

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Stephen Salter May 28, 2016 - 8:48 PM

Do you want any information about the hardware for marine cloud brightening and a way to get an every-to-everywhere transfer function?

Kevin Lister May 31, 2016 - 9:09 AM

Dear Sirs/Madams,

I read with great interested about the formation of your group, GESAMP, to investigate the proposed impacts of marine geoengineering techniques on the marine environment.

I represent an international consortium of academics, scientists and technology companies that are working together to develop a suite of interventions to restore climate stability. The technologies that we are pursuing are Marine Cloud Brightening using fluidic oscillators, slow release of ocean fertilisers through buoyant flakes and ice cap thickening. When the lead times for these are considered against the exponential rate at which all measures of climate change are moving then it is absolutely imperative that an immediate start is made.

We are currently in discussions with senior government advisors and with a number of funding organisations in this country and abroad to start development work and hope to have a positive outcome from these.

We would like to share with you our proposals. These are intended to have the dual benefit of restoring climate stability and re-establishing the ocean ecosystems and food chains. The outline of these, and for circulation amongst your members, are available at: http://media.wix.com/ugd/1741a6_706243ce31d440818ef90050ad8a6eda.pdf

We would welcome the opportunity to meet with yourselves to present both the concepts and the extreme urgency for their implementation at the earliest opportunity.

Your faithfully,

Kevin Lister
mobile 07772262784


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