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Home ShipmanagementIT and Communications Step into Seafarer’s shoes with VIDEOTEL at this year’s Manning & Training Conference

Step into Seafarer’s shoes with VIDEOTEL at this year’s Manning & Training Conference

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The VOD G2 system

This year, at the 13th Asia-Pacific Manning &Training Conference, Manila, Videotel will be inviting visitors to step into the seafarer’s shoes and try a hands-on simulation of the training that a seafarer can expect on board a vessel fitted with its brand new state of the art VOD G2 training system. 

“This is the first time we have demonstrated the new VOD G2 technology to the industry at large, ” says Nigel Cleave, CEO of Videotel Marine International.  “It is rapidly gaining a reputation as a brilliantly fast, user friendly, stable and state-of-the -art operating environment and visitors will be able to explore our complete range of 800 training titles at their leisure – the largest portfolio of maritime video, computer based training (CBT) and interactive training materials in the world.”

Mr Cleave underpinned the importance of this year’s conference, saying: “The ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 throws this year’s Manning & Training event into sharp focus. The question of how to implement and ensure compliance with these new standards is at the top of the agenda for many of those visiting the exhibition.

“Whilst there is a lot of discussion about the improved standards that will result, in reality, the big question asks exactly what steps must be taken to deliver those improvements.  Good training is essential and today on the stand, visitors can undertake that training first-hand and see just how suited our VOD G2 is for this purpose.”

VOD G2 and NVOD G2 access online services via Videotel’s cloud-based webFTA portal, the onshore records management program which connects to all training records on all ships along with customised data assessments. This demonstrates to Port State Control Officers, ISM Auditors, Vetting Inspectors and other shore based authorities that a committed training structure exists on board the vessel.

Look out for Videotel exhibiting the new VODG2 in the pre-function area.

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