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HOT Port News from GAC

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Your daily news service from ports around the world.
In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:

  • * United States, Freeport, Texas – Port returns to project depth
  • * United States, Delaware River – Marcus Hook Anchorage opening
  • * Panama, all ports – Local Independence Day Holiday
  • * Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 21/11/12

DATE: November 21, 2012 COUNTRY: United States PORT: Freeport, Texas Port returns to project depth

The recent maintenance dredging of the Freeport Harbor Entrance & Jetty Channel has been completed.
As a result, the Brazos Pilots make the folowing Draft Recommendation for vessels calling at Port Freeport: Maximum recommended draft 42′ fresh water
This recommendation is applicable to the Federal Channel only and does not indicate depths aongside terminal depths. Vessels should load accordingly for underkeel clearance requirements and tide availability.
The Brazos Pilots Association request timely notification of anticipated arrivals or departures of deep draft vessels with minimal underkeel clearance.
(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)
Source: Brazos PIlots Association letter dated 19 November 2012

DATE: November 21, 2012 COUNTRY: United States PORT: Delaware River Marcus Hook Anchorage opening

The Dredge ESSEX has completed operations within Marcus Hook Anchorage. The U.S. Coast Guard has cleared the safety zone as of November 20, 2012.
Vessels desiring to anchor in Marcus Hook Anchorage are no longer required to obtain permission from the Captain of the Port.
Mariners are reminded that no vessel shall occupy the anchorage for a longer period than 48 hours without a permit from the Captain of the Port.
(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gc.com)
Source: U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Information Bulletin No.21-12 dated 20 November 2012

DATE: November 21, 2012 COUNTRY: Panama PORT: all ports Local Independence Day Holiday 

Government offices, banks, courier companies, etc. in Panama will be closed on Monday 26 November (in lieu of 28 November) for the local Independence Day Holiday.
Deliveries of Cash to Master, couriers, charts, immigration services for crew, etc. should therefore be coordinated well in advance.
For information about operations in Panama contact GAC-Wilford & McKay at gac-wilfordmckay.panama@gac.com

DATE: November 21, 2012 Bunker Update: MARKET PRICE UPDATE 21/11/12

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert MARKET PRICE UPDATE 21/11/12
180 CST   380 CST   MGO       MDO
Aberdeen               0         0         973.00    0
Aden                   750.00    0         1, 204.00  0
Alexandria             730.00    715.00    1, 250.00  0
Amsterdam              611.00    585.00    927.00    0
Antwerp                618.00    588.00    950.00    0
Aqaba                  0         0         1, 042.00  0
Bahrain                0         0         1, 073.00  0
Barrow                 0         0         995.00    0
Busan                  670.00    650.00    960.00    950.00
Cape Town              667.00    0         1, 006.00  0
Colombo                760.00    705.00    1, 120.00  0
Dubai                  610.00    600.00    850.00    0
Durban                 636.00    0         1, 113.00  0
Falmouth               679.00    629.50    993.00    0
Fawley                 0         0         1, 041.00  0
Felixstowe             0         0         1, 040.00  0
Fujairah               630.00    610.00    1, 010.00  0
Gibraltar              694.50    659.50    988.50    0
Grangemouth            0         0         1, 007.00  0
Harwich                0         0         1, 006.00  0
Hong Kong              639.00    627.50    967.50    962.50
Houston                682.00    612.00    1, 040.00  0
Immingham              0         0         946.00    0
Invergordon            0         0         1, 009.00  0
Istanbul               629.50    619.50    979.50    0
Jeddah                 725.00    715.00    1, 150.00  0
Kaohsiung              666.00    656.00    1, 004.00  989.00
Kuwait                 628.00    618.00    0         994.50
Leith                  0         0         1, 014.00  0
Malta                  715.50    693.50    968.50    0
Mersey                 0         0         986.00    0
Milford Haven          0         0         1, 030.70  0
Mumbai                 644.50    634.50    1, 072.50  0
New York & New Jersey  660.00    630.00    1, 045.00  0
Newport                0         0         1, 050.00  0
Nigg Bay               0         0         1, 009.00  0
Panama                 717.00    650.00    1, 060.00  0
Piraeus                699.50    669.50    963.50    0
Plymouth               0         0         1, 055.00  0
Port Said              725.00    715.00    1, 250.00  0
Qatar                  0         0         925.00    0
Ramsgate               0         0         1, 040.00  0
Rio de Janeiro         628.00    604.50    1, 005.00  0
Rotterdam              619.00    593.00    935.00    0
Salalah                705.00    665.00    1, 115.00  0
Shanghai               658.50    638.50    1, 066.50  0
Sharjah                610.00    600.00    850.00    0
Sheerness              0         0         1, 040.00  0
Singapore              609.00    601.00    910.00    0
St Petersburg          575.50    560.50    0         0
Suez                   710.00    715.00    1, 190.00  0
Tees                   0         0         1, 020.00  0
Thames                 0         0         992.00    0

Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.
The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices should be approached directly for firm prices.
Middle East & Africa: bunker.ae@gac.com Europe:  bunker.gb@gac.com Egypt & Mediterranean: bunker.eg@gac.com Americas: bunker.us@gac.com Asia Pacific:  bunker.sg@gac.com Indian Subcontinent:   bunker.sl@gac.com
Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting HPN for more information or with your bunker enquiry.

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