Your daily news service from ports around the world.
In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Germany, Kiel Canal – Only one lock chamber available in daytime
* Germany, Kiel Canal – Canal operations back to normal
* India, Mumbai – Additional berthing guidelines
* Hong Kong, Hong Kong – Construction of Boundary Crossing Facilities
* Singapore, Singapore – Mooring/unmooring off Pulau Tekong reclamation area
* Turkey, Turkish Straits – Fog & poor visibility halts traffic
* Brazil, Santos – Pilot tariff increase
DATE: March 01, 2013
COUNTRY: Germany
PORT: Kiel Canal
Only one lock chamber available in daytime
Kiel Canal Authorities have announced that only one big lock chamber at Brunsbuttel will be available during the daytime from Monday 4 March to Friday 8 March.
Both big lock chambers will be in service during the night time and at the weekend.
(For information about operations in Germany contact the GAC UK Hub Agency Centre at
Source: Sartori & Berger- GAC agent
DATE: March 01, 2013
COUNTRY: Germany
PORT: Kiel Canal
Canal operations back to normal
Operations in the Kiel Canal are now back to normal after the linesmen’s strike came to an end.
(For information about operations in Germany contact the GAC UK Hub Agency Centre at
Source: Sartori & Berger – GAC agent
DATE: March 01, 2013
PORT: Mumbai
Additional berthing guidelines
In view of the congestion and based on the request of the All India Liquid Bulk Importers & Exporters Association (AILBIEA), the following berthing guidelines are approved by the competent authority in addition to the existing berthing guidelines to facilitate smaller parcel size vessels at the New Pir Pau Jetty.
1. To allow priority berthing (on payment of priority berth hire charges in advance) as per SOR for the vessels having liquid cargo operations of maximum up to 12 hours after waiting period of 24 hours/readiness subject to an undertaking submitted by the vessel agent/Tankfarm prior to berthing of the vessel, that in case of failure to complete the cargo operations within 12 hours, the vessel will have to suspend cargo operatiojns for shifting to anchorage on account of vessel agent and await berthing on
normal turn basis.
2. If there is more than one vessel with small parcel size, requiring 12 hours, then the second senior vessel will be allowed after docking of one regular waiting vessel as per turn.
This circular will come into force with immediate effect on trial/experimental basis, for a period of six months. If successul, the
same arrangement will be continued.
(For information about operations in India contact GAC India at
Source: Mumbai Port Trust Circular No.DC/C-Circular/842 dated 27 Ferbuary 2013
DATE: March 01, 2013
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: Hong Kong
Construction of Boundary Crossing Facilities
From 1 March and for approximately 24 months, reclamation, stone column installation and seawall construction works will
be carried out [East of Hong Kong International Airport] in the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from
(A) to (O) and the adjacent shoreline:
(A) 22º 18.907’N / 113º 56.581’E
(B) 22º 18.936’N / 113º 56.734’E
(C) 22º 19.163’N / 113º 56.839’E
(D) 22º 19.344’N / 113º 56.862’E
(E) 22º 19.435’N / 113º 56.951’E
(F) 22º 19.740’N / 113º 57.248’E
(G) 22º 19.675’N / 113º 57.486’E
(H) 22º 19.547’N / 113º 57.953’E
(I) 22º 19.452’N / 113º 57.988’E
(J) 22º 18.758’N / 113º 57.768’E
(K) 22º 18.498’N / 113º 57.489’E
(L) 22º 18.549’N / 113º 57.239’E
(M) 22º 18.708’N / 113º 56.876’E
(N) 22º 18.639’N / 113º 56.663’E
(O) 22º 18.680’N / 113º 56.403’E
Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the boundary of the works area at co-ordinates (B) to (O).
Silt curtains, extending from the sea surface to the seabed, will be established around the boundary of the works area. The silt curtain is a large piece of netting used to contain mud and sediments. Yellow markers fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the extent of the silt curtains.
The works will be carried out from a flotilla of vessels including trailer suction hopper dredgers, barges, dumb steel lighters, grab dredgers, tugs and construction vessels at various stages. The number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.
A working area of approximately 50 metres will be established around each working vessel. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the working vessels.
The hours of work will be round-the-clock.
Vessels engaged in the works will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.
A specified channel with a width of minimum 120 metres will be established between the Hong Kong International Airport and the works area. It will allow vessels with valid permits approaching to and from the Sky Pier basin to trespass upon the southeast corner of the Airport Approach Area No.3.
The specified channel will be temporarily marked by lateral light buoys and their particulars are as follows:
Name :BCF 1
Position (WGS 84 Datum): (P) 22º 19.819’N / 113º 56.855’E
Shape : Pillar
Colour : Green
Light Characteristics : Fl. G. 6s
Top Mark : Single Green Cone
Radar Reflector : : Fitted
Name :BCF 3
Position (WGS 84 Datum): (Q) 22º 19.340’N / 113º 56.785’E
Shape : Pillar
Colour : Green
Light Characteristics : Fl (2) G. 10s
Top Mark : Single Green Cone
Radar Reflector : : Fitted
Name :BCF 5
Position (WGS 84 Datum): (R) 22º 19.187’N / 113º 56.773’E
Shape : Pillar
Colour : Green
Light Characteristics : Fl. G. 2s
Top Mark : Single Green Cone
Radar Reflector : : Fitted
Name :BCF 2
Position (WGS 84 Datum): (S) 22º 19.482’N / 113º 56.977’E
Shape : Pillar
Colour : Red
Light Characteristics : Fl. R. 6s
Top Mark : Single Red Can
Radar Reflector : : Fitted
Two yellow marker buoys will be temporarily established near the “Weather 4” buoy to mark the eastern edge of the Airport Approach Area No.3 and their particulars are as follows:
Name :RW17
Position (WGS 84 Datum): (T) 22º 19.614’N / 113º 56.929’E
Shape : Pillar
Colour : Yellow
Light Characteristics : Fl. Y
Top Mark : Single Yellow Cross
Name RW16
Position (WGS 84 Datum): (U) 22º 19.636’N / 113º 56.921’E
Shape : Pillar
Colour : Yellow
Light Characteristics : Fl. Y
Top Mark : Single Yellow Cross
Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and keep clear at slow speed, bearing in mind there are stone column installation works at the boundary of the works area.
(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at
Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.25 of 2013 dated 28 February 2013
DATE: March 01, 2013
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Singapore
Mooring/unmooring off Pulau Tekong reclamation area
The reclamation at Pulau Tekong has commenced in September 2007 and will be completed by March 2015. During this period, bulk carriers and self propelled barges carrying sand in bulk will be transiting the East Johor Strait to Pulau Tekong reclamation project area. Mariners shall keep a proper lookout for these vessels and navigate with extra caution in the East Johor Strait especially when in the vicinity of KUALA JOHOR.
A maximum of one bulk carrier will be moored at the mooring buoys at any one time. The mooring and unmooring of vessels will be carried out in the daylight hours (0630 to 1900 hours) during the period of reclamation work.
The TK- MB3 and TK- MB4 buoys have been laid on 08 Feb 13. The mooring buoys will be removed upon completion of the reclamation.
01° 22.146’N / 104° 02.524’E
(Yellow polyethylene buoy/ Fl .Y.4s.)
01° 22.269’N / 103° 02.380’E
(Yellow polyethylene buoy/ Fl .Y.4s.)
(For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at
Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No, 20 of 2013 dated 1 March 2013
DATE: March 01, 2013
PORT: Turkish Straits
Fog & poor visibility halts traffic
Traffic was suspended in the Bosphorus due to dense fog and poor visibility between 07:10 and 11:00 local time today (1 March).
For information about operations in the Turkish Straits contact GAC Istanbul at
DATE: March 01, 2013
PORT: Santos
Pilot tariff increase
The Santos pilot is applying an increase of 7.6% on its tariff from today (1 March).
For details and information about operations in Brazil contact GAC Brazil at