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Home NewsConferences, Seminars, Forums Maritime Labour Convention 2006 explained at busy WISTA meeting in Limassol

Maritime Labour Convention 2006 explained at busy WISTA meeting in Limassol

by admin

WISTA-GL-11042013The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) regulates the rights of 1, 2  million seafarers worldwide and on the other hand secures the economic interests  and fair competition for quality ship owners and -managers.  International  seafarers’ and ship owners’ organizations and their governments have worked with  the International Labour Organization since 2001 to develop these global  standards for a truly global industry.

“Many of our members specifically requested more information about  this new set of rules that will be implemented as of 20 August 2013, ” says  Despina Panayiotou Theodossiou, President of WISTA Cyprus. “Fortunately we found  Mr. Zacharias Siokouros of Germanischer Lloyd Cyprus and Ms. Marina Papaioannou  of the GL Academy in Piraeus prepared to not only present a seminar about this  complex subject, they were also willing to sponsor the event and a splendid  cocktail reception afterwards”. Mr. Cleanthis Orphanos (Marine Surveyor A’)  presented the position of the Department of Merchant Shipping and the Cypriot  Flag.

2WISTA-GL-11042013Mr. Thomas Kazakos, Director General of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber  was one of those present at the meeting and when requested he was willing to say  a few words about the recent developments in the banking sector. He explained  how the CSC was working closely with the Cyprus Government and in that way was  trying to resolve operational problems for shipping companies. He also assured  everybody present that the Government was committed to promoting Cyprus as a  reliable and competitive maritime centre and that the Shipping Industry in turn  would continue to support the local economy.

WISTA-Cyprus president Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou

WISTA-Cyprus president Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou


“The meeting was a real success, we received excellent  feedback!” Despina finishes, “We really owe a big “Thank you!” to Germanischer  Lloyd for sponsoring this event.”

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