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Home NewsEvents Pushing Ahead with Security Standards

Pushing Ahead with Security Standards

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HQS The Wellington

HQS The Wellington

The Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI) and its certification partner, RTI held an event on board HQS The Welligton to announce the launch of their pilot scheme assessing companies against the ISO/PAS 28007:2012 Guidelines for Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) providing privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) on board ships.

The pilot study will see RTI working with Bowline Defence, Control Risks Group, Securewest International and Zeal Global Maritime Solutionsduring its first phase.

Speaking of the launch, Peter Cook of SAMI stated, “Private Maritime Security companies have supported the development of ISO 28007 to demonstrate their willingness and capability to embrace improved standards and to highlight their commitment to quality and well trained professionalism.”

Peter Cook addressing the participants

Peter Cook addressing the participants

He added, “Now companies finally have a chance to put that pledge to the test and open themselves to rigorous scrutiny. We are sure that they will excel and that PMSCs within the SAMI membership will continue to keep the maritime industry safe and secure.”

The association has worked hard to support the efforts of the maritime industry, as well as its members, as the complex journey towards standards and certification has progressed.

The pilot program runs from June until December 2013, during which time RTI will audit a limited number of companies and compare their findings with other pilot scheme certifiers through regular meetings at The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

It was stressed that only at the end of the year, once the pilot scheme is completed and the certifying bodies are accredited by UKAS, will PMSC’s be deemed to have satisfied the ISO28007 standard.

Les Chapman, Kwabena Owusu and Steve Cameron

Les Chapman, Kwabena Owusu and Steve Cameron

Peter Cook emphasised this and warned the industry, “If any PMSC claims to be 28007:2012 certified before the end of the year, they are mistaken”.

The RTI team was on hand to discuss the process in more depth, and took the opportunity to explain how their skills and experience support the route towards ISO 28007 certification.

Managing Director, Les Chapman stressed the company credentials based on what he termed, “a proud and hugely successful background in risk and safety consultancy and the provision of experts for serious casualty investigations, court cases and litigation”.  He spoke of their teams of experienced master mariners and former military experts, who are able to work together to cross the divide between the maritime industry and the private maritime security industry.

The company has also formed an independent governance committee to monitor the audit process to make sure they are fair and transparent. This group consists ofleading industry figures with experience of flag registries, Classification Societies and leading ship owner associations.

Peter Cheney from Contol Risks with Claudia Topp and Dr.Silke Albin both from the Federal Ministry of Economy, Germany

Peter Cheney from Contol Risks with Claudia Topp and Dr.Silke Albin both from the Federal Ministry of Economy, Germany

A nice networking buffet reception followed and thanks to the nice weather lasted until late.

The Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI)

SAMI provides an international independent non-governmental organization for the maritime security industry and a focal point for global maritime security matters.

The SAMI membership is made up of international maritime security companies from over 35 different nations, as well as equipment, technology and hardware providers exploring technical maritime security solutions.    www.seasecurity.org

RTI Forensics

RTI is a pioneering, global accident and failure investigation, risk and  safety management and auditing consultancy serving the legal and insurance markets.  With origins dating back to 1975, our forensic engineering services span comprehensive high-risk industries and transportation operations disciplines, including the maritime and shipping industries.

RTI has master mariner ISM and SMS consultants with a wide ranging ship type experience and ex-forces consultants with experience which ranges from nuclear to conventional weapons.  This coupled with more than 20 years hands on experience of African the maritime trade and ports equips RTI to understand maritime security within an African environment and how ISO 28007 should fit within  a ships ISM and Safety Management Systems framework.

With more than 20 years experience of the West African maritime market we recognise that the security issues in West Africa are different to that of East Africa and this needs to be taken into account when developing ISO standards so that they are flexible enough to reflect this.


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