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Hot Port news from GAC

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GAC-newYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* South Africa, all ports – Approved fire service stations
* United States, Baltimore, Maryland – Safety zones for fireworks displays
* United States, Boston, Massachusetts – USS Constitution to sail to
commemorate Declaration of Independence
* India, Mumbai – Buoy reported missing
* India, all ports – Revised Schedule of Port Related & Utility Charges
* Australia, Port Kembla – Force Majeure declared at coal terminal

DATE: June 28, 2013
COUNTRY: South Africa
PORT: all ports
Approved fire service stations

The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) has published a list of
approved marine fire service stations.

In its Marine Notice No.18 of 2013 dated 27 June 2013, SAMSA states that
all firefighting appliances installed on South African ships are required
to be serviced at intervals not exceeding 12 months by a SAMSA-approved
marine fire service station.

SAMSA, in collaboration with the industry, has developed a Code of Practice
for Marine Fire Service Stations (DOTFAS Code). The code sets out the
standards for the servicing of firefighting appliances; these standards
satisfy the requirements of the applicable regulations.

A firefighting appliance that has been serviced and certified by a marine
fire service station approved in terms of the DOTFAS Code will be accepted
as having met the requirements of Regulation 118(3).

Some marine firefighting service stations are close to the date of expiry
of their approval, the onus to renew is left to the service providers. It
has been noted that some crafts/boats are operating on inland water areas
where the service stations may not be SAMSA approved; such service stations
are still expected to be SABS approved and are urged to register with
SAMSA. Owners, managers, masters and skippers are advised that should
firefighting appliances be serviced at a station which has not been
approved or whose approval has lapsed, the surveyor may reject this
equipment and require it to be re-serviced at an approved station.

For further details, including the list of approved stations, and
information about operations in South Africa contact GAC South Africa at

DATE: June 28, 2013
COUNTRY: United States
PORT: Baltimore, Maryland
Safety zones for fireworks displays

The following safety zones are established for fireworks displays planned
during the 2013 Independence Day holiday period:

Baltimore Inner Harbor, Patapsco River, Maryland, within a 150-yard radius
of the fireworks barge in approximate position 39 deg. 16′55″N, 076 deg.
36′17″W, at the entrance to Baltimore Inner Harbor, approximately 150
yards southwest of Pier 6,


Northwest Harbor (Western Section), Patapsco River, Maryland, within a
250-yard radius of the fireworks barge in approximate position 39 deg.
16′37″N, 076 deg. 35′54″W, located near the western end of Northwest

These safety zones will be enforced on July 4, 2013, from 8 p.m. to 10:30
p.m. (with a rain date of July 5, 2013) for a fireworks display scheduled
from 9:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Fireworks barges and launch sites on land will have signs labeled
FIREWORKS–DANGER–STAY AWAY to provide on scene notice that the safety
zone will be enforced.

Vessels may not enter, remain in, or transit through the safety zone during
the enforcement period unless authorized by the Coast Guard Captain of the
Port (COTP) or designated Coast Guard patrol personnel on scene.

All persons and vessels shall comply with the instructions of the COTP or
the designated on-scene-patrol personnel, and upon being hailed by siren,
radio, flashing light or other means, the operator of a vessel shall
proceed as directed.

Other Federal, State and local agencies may assist these personnel in the
enforcement of the safety zone.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com
Source: Chesapeake Bay & tributories

DATE: June 28, 2013
COUNTRY: United States
PORT: Boston, Massachusetts
USS Constitution to sail to commemorate Declaration of Independence

On July 4, 2013, the USS CONSTITUTION is scheduled to set sail to
commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

The USS CONSTITUTION will get underway from Charlestown Navy Yard at
approximately 10:00am and transit outbound via the Boston Main Ship
Channel. Once the USS CONSTITUTION is off Fort Independence on Castle
Island, a 21-cannon salute will be fired.

While the USS CONSTITUTION is underway, the U.S. Coast Guard will be
escorting and enforcing a 300 yard moving safety zone….  ….Entry into
the safety zone is prohibited unless authorised by the Coast Guard Captain
of the Port of Boston or designated respresentative.

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com
Source: U.S. Coast Guard Port of Boston Bulletin 15-13/13-780 dated 24 June

DATE: June 28, 2013
PORT: Mumbai
Buoy reported missing

The NOrth Karanja Buoy has been reported missing since 23 June 2013 in
position Lat 18 deg. 55’08″N, Long 072 deg. 52’43″E.

Mariners navigating in the vicinity are requested to take note of the same
and navigate with caution.

(For information about operations in India contact GAC India at

Source: Mumbai POrt Trust Local Notice to Mariners No.03 of 2013 dated 27
June 2013

DATE: June 28, 2013
PORT: all ports
Revised Schedule of Port Related & Utility Charges

Gujarat Chemical Port Terminal Company Limited has issued a revised
Schedule of Port Related & Utility Charges to come into effect on 1 July

For details of the revised schedule and information about operations in
India contact GAC India at india@gac.com

DATE: June 28, 2013
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Port Kembla
Force Majeure declared at coal terminal

A Force Majeure was declared to shippers yesterday (27 June) by Port Kembla
Coal Terminal.

This follows 72 hours of heavy rain (in excess of 120 mm) at the terminal,
and the breakdown of Stacker No.1 earlier this week.

The stacker had encountered significant electrical issues due to water in
the electrical switchroom. As a result, the drive has been determined to be

Stacker 1 is used to stack coal from the rail unloading station onto the
stockpile pad. Due to breakdown, there will be no rail deliveries of coal
to the terminal until Stacker 1 is repaired. At this stage it is
antiicpated that rail deliveries will recommence tomorrow evening (29
June), pending repairs.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at

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