John N. Faraclas
The following are the main points from the latest John Faraclas live interview to Panos Thomakos of SBC TV last Friday the 28th of June 2013; please log below and listen:
Thomakos sparked a ray of hope with the greek weather, the best ingredient for holidays!
Faraclas was quick to counter that the rainy weather cleans the atmosphere – which metaphorically the rainfall can bring and clear the political developments in Greece.
He then went straight on the Markets which developed a small rise with the BDI at 1, 1171 up 30 from the previous day and up 144 from the previous week, which is odd given taht from May to end of August there is a down market, a dropping market.
The wet market too, which is low level – both the BDTI and he BCTI at 577 and 555 respectively. Moreover he said that the cycles are over.-
He then referred to geopolitical new business tools “depicted” with the Canals issue, such as the New Panama Canal, the Guatemala or better say the Nicaragua new prospects for another canal, the Colombian Canal and the Kanal Istanbul.
There are many issues with respect the way shipping will be financing and its about time swashbuckling comes to an end, new ways and approach for shipfinance.
Africa was another issue that Faraclas referred to, with its 1 billion people from which 500 million have electricity and the Power or better say Energy issue. He praised the AFRIMARI event which has a future.
Other issues referred to was the situ in Greece and in particular the new Greek Administration with Moussouroulis being replaced by Varvitsiotis and it remains to be seen what is yet to come. The Hellenic Coat Guard was the first issue t be tackled by the new minister and lets hope he can deliver and the new jobs announced can be beneficial, particularly wit the illegal immigrant entering the Greek sea and land territory.
This and other matters including that of lack of leadership in Greece, the oil and gas sag you can see and listen on the video above and soon with subtitles in English; enjoy it!
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[…] https://allaboutshipping.co.uk/2013/07/03/still-tough-times-for-international-shipping-and-cautio… […]