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Home ShipmanagementBunkering Hot Port News from GAC

Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC-newYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Singapore, Pasir Panjang – Drilling/blasting at Pasir Panjang Terminal,  Phase 3&4
* Indonesia, Merak Petroleum Base – Terminal holidays over Christmas/New Year
* Egypt, Suez Canal – Vessels entering (W) area at Suez outer anchorage
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 16/12/2013

DATE: December 16, 2013
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Pasir Panjang
Drilling/blasting at Pasir Panjang Terminal, Phase 3&4

The work area has been revised and the working period extended for
underwater drilling and blasting works at Pasir Panjang Terminal. The works
are now being conducted from 17 December 2013 to 2 January 2014.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine
Notice No.166 of 2013 dated 16 December 2013, the works will be carried out
within the working area bounded by the following co-ordinates (WGS 84

1) 1 deg. 16.621’N / 103 deg. 46.556’E
2) 1 deg. 16.521’N / 103 deg. 46.497’E
3) 1 deg. 16.418’N / 103 deg. 46.522’E
4) 1 deg. 16.333’N / 103 deg. 46.664’E
5) 1 deg. 16.473’N / 103 deg. 46.747’E
6) 1 deg. 16.528’N / 103 deg. 46.710’E

Drilling will be carried out 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public

Blasting work will be carried out daily in accordance to the following
schedule except on Sundays and Public Holidays.
1. 0800–0900 hours
2. 1200–1400 hours
3. 1630–1830 hours

Drilling and blasting works in Sector E Area shall only be carried out when
P25–P26 is closed to all PSA berthing/unberthing operations.

Underwater drilling and blasting works will be carried out by work barge,
Orion 84, held in position by 4-point anchor winch/wire spread. Orion 84
will have a circular safety working zone in accordance to the Explosive
Safety Regulations centered at the barge.

During the operation, Orion 84 shall be attended to by anchor/tug boats.
Storage of explosives will be on board a licensed Explosive Lighter Barge
guarded by Armed Protection Officers (APOs) at all times.

Safety boats will be in attendance at all times to warn and re-direct craft
in the vicinity to keep clear of the on-going underwater drilling and
blasting work area.

The following Blast Warning Procedure will be adopted for each underwater
blasting operation:
a) All personnel will be evacuated from the danger zone prior to blasting
b) APOs in Safety Boats will cordon off the blasting area 30mins prior to
commencement of blasting operations;
c) Two (2) prolonged horn blasts will be sounded 15mins prior to
commencement of blasting operations;
d) Red Flag will be hoisted to warn mariners 5mins prior to commencement of
blasting operations;
e) Three (3) short horn blasts will be sounded 5mins prior to commencement
of blasting operations;
f) Four (4) short horn blasts will be sounded immediately prior to blasting
operations – blast is initiated on fourth (4th) horn blast;
g) One (1) prolonged horn blasts will be sounded after the completion of
blasting operations; and
h) Red Flag will be lowered to signal the completion of blasting

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and
international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
(a) keep well clear and not to enter the working area;
(b) maintain a proper lookout;
(c) proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution;
(d) comply with the instructions from Pasir Panjang Control and the APO
craft at the scene;
(e) cease all underwater diving activities within a radius of 144 meters
from the perimeter of the working area during the periods of blasting;
(f) maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 25;
(g) communicate with Pasir Panjang Control on VHF Channel 25 for
assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at

DATE: December 16, 2013
COUNTRY: Indonesia
PORT: Merak Petroleum Base
Terminal holidays over Christmas/New Year

The DKP Terminal in port of Merak has advised the following working times
during the upcoming Christmas & New Year holidays:

Christmas Holiday:
24-25 December 2013. Normal work 26-30 December.

New Year Holiday:
31 December 2013-2 January 2014. Normal work from 3 January onwards.

For vessels discharging at DKP on the morning of 23 December morning, all
complete cargo documents must be received by the agent and DKP by the
morning of 19 December at the latest.

For vessels discharging at DKP on 30 December, all complete cargo documents
must be received by the agent and DKP by the morning of 23 December at the

For information about operations at Indonesian ports and terminals, contact
PT Andhika GAC at shipping.indonesia@gac.com

DATE: December 16, 2013
PORT: Suez Canal
Vessels entering (W) area at Suez outer anchorage

For the vessel that requests entrance or waiting at (W) area the following
shall be applied:

1. Vessel’s agency submits a written request to port Tewfik transit section
to anchor vessel
at (W) area together with an approval from the general authority of red sea
ports stating
approved period of waiting.

2. The agency, as well, submits an undertaking that the vessel is manned
and light.

3. The SCA shall apply the rules of navigation art 105, Para 3, item B –
page 201 of Dec.
Edition/2007 of a vessel enters or exits (W) area without a prior
notification along with
other fines charged by general authority of red sea ports.

4. The SCA shall impose a tug (for safety of navigation) if a vessel
exceeds the approved
time of waiting her deck lights are not light, she is unmanned or be moved
from (W) area
without a prior notification the vessel shall be exposed as well to fines
charged by
general authority of red sea ports in this respect.

This circular takes effect as of 1-1-2014

(For information about operations in the Suez Canal contact GAC Egypt at

Source: Suez Canal Authority Circular No.6/2013

DATE: December 16, 2013
Bunker Update:

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert

                            180 CST    380 CST   MGO       MDO

Aberdeen                    0          0         954.00    0

Aden                        720.00     0         1, 095.00  0

Alexandria                  0          0         1, 200.00  0

Amsterdam                   609.00     576.00    910.00    0

Antwerp                     614.00     584.50    915.00    0

Aqaba                       0          727.00    1, 045.00  0

Bahrain                     0          0         1, 060.00  0

Barrow                      0          0         981.00    0

Bergen                      680.00     653.00    962.00    0

Busan                       680.00     655.00    965.00    955.00

Cape Town                   630.00     0         969.00    0

Colombo                     653.00     650.00    1, 030.00  0

Dubai                       645.00     632.00    920.00    0

Durban                      615.00     0         1, 034.00  0

Falmouth                    697.00     645.00    972.00    0

Fawley                      0          0         933.00    0

Felixstowe                  0          0         1, 030.00  0

Fujairah                    620.50     612.50    992.00    0

Gibraltar                   696.50     655.50    968.50    0

Grangemouth                 0          0         986.00    0

Harwich                     0          0         1, 007.00  0

Hong Kong                   643.50     635.50    948.00    0

Houston                     663.00     592.00    985.00    0

Immingham                   0          0         947.00    0

Invergordon                 0          0         1, 004.00  0

Istanbul                    654.50     624.50    989.50    0

Jeddah                      680.00     660.00    1, 060.00  0

Kaohsiung                   659.00     655.00    1, 060.00  1, 045.00

Kuwait                      620.00     612.00    992.00    0

Leith                       0          0         994.00    0

Lerwick                     0          0         610.00    0

Malta                       710.50     680.50    948.50    0

Mersey                      0          0         972.00    0

Milford Haven               0          0         1, 001.00  0

Mumbai                      634.50     626.50    1, 166.50  0

New York & New Jersey       650.00     605.00    975.00    0

Panama                      674.00     615.00    1, 040.00  0

Piraeus                     694.50     665.50    965.50    0

Plymouth                    0          0         1, 007.00  0

Port Louis                  715.00     0         1, 049.00  0

Port Said                   0          665.00    1, 070.00  0

Qatar                       0          0         960.00    0

Richards Bay                625.00     0         1, 044.00  0

Rio de Janeiro              630.00     605.00    1, 020.00  0

Rotterdam                   621.50     587.00(?) 917.00    0

Salalah                     705.00     652.00    1, 125.00  0

Shanghai                    677.00     662.00    1, 067.00  0

Sharjah                     645.00     632.00    920.00    0

Singapore                   620.00     600.00    940.00    0

St Petersburg               485.50     465.50    0         0

Stavanger                   0          0         970.00    0

Suez                        685.00     670.00    1, 070.00  0

Walvis Bay                  0          0         1, 048.00  0

West Africa OFFSHORE        0          650.00    1, 002.00  0

Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC
group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.

The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices should be
approached directly for firm prices.

Middle East & Africa: bunker.ae@gac.com
Europe: bunker.gb@gac.com
Egypt & Mediterranean: bunker.eg@gac.com
Americas: bunker.us@gac.com
Asia Pacific: bunker.sg@gac.com
Indian Subcontinent: bunker.sl@gac.com

Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting HPN for more information or
with your bunker enquiry.

GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.


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