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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC-newYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* United States, Delaware River – Reported ice formation
* Thailand, Bangkok – Protests not expected to disrupt port ops
* Singapore, Singapore – Autonomous System Experiments in Selat Pauh
* Australia, Fremantle – Upcoming wharf upgrade

DATE: January 10, 2014
COUNTRY: United States
PORT: Delaware River
Reported ice formation

The Captain of the Port (COTP) Delaware Bay is notifying mariners that a
reported ice jam, located approximately 1 mile south of the
Trenton-Morrisville (U.S. Route 1) Bridge on the Delaware River, has caused
portions of the river to back up and flood.

When the aforementioned ice formation breaks, immediate river depth and
current changes are likely to occur, potentially affecting the navigability
of the Delaware River.

Mariners are advised to take any necessary precautions to ensure that
safety is maintained while anchoring, mooring, or navigating in the
Delaware River. Although Sector Delaware Bay will release a Broadcast
Notice to Mariners (BNM) once the ice formation breaks or if significant
changes occur, mariners are advised to maintain situational awareness while
operating in the Delaware River. The Pennsylvania Emergency Management
Agency (PEMA) and City of Trenton Office of Emergency Management are
presently monitoring the ice jam and will be available for contact at (610)
562-3003 and (609) 989-4000 respectively.

In addition, increases in ice levels in the Delaware River have prompted
additional restrictions for waterway use. In addition to the previous
restrictions noted on MSIB # 02-14, only steel hull vessels may operate in
the Delaware River and its tributaries North of the Delaware Memorial
Bridge and within the Chesapeake and Delaware (C & D) Canal.

Please refer to our internet website for additional information regarding
ice operations within the Sector Delaware Bay zone at http:
www.uscg.mil/d5/sectDelawarebay. Updates to ice conditions can be heard by
calling the Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay Ice Hotline at (215) 271-4995.
Mariners are also requested to keep the Coast Guard informed of any major
ice developments. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this
bulletin or the expectations of the COTP, please contact the Waterways
Management staff at (215) 271-4814 or the Situation Unit Controller at
(215) 271-4807.

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Delaware Bay, Marine Safety Information
Bulletin #03-14 dated 9 January 2014

DATE: January 10, 2014
COUNTRY: Thailand
PORT: Bangkok
Protests not expected to disrupt port ops

Mass demonstration and anti-government rallies are planned in seven
locations in and around central Bangkok from Monday (13 January).

However, as the rallies and demonstrations are planned for the city centre,
no disruption to operations is expected at any of the country’s ports or
terminal. Customs and Immigration will be operating as normal.

For information about operations at Thailand ports contact GAC Thailand at

DATE: January 10, 2014
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Singapore
Autonomous System Experiments in Selat Pauh Anchorage

From 20 to 23 January, autonomous system experiments will be conducted in
the Selat Pauh Anchorage and its vicinity.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine
Notice No.06 of 2014 dated 9 January 2014, the experiments will be carried
out between 0800 and 1800 hours daily within the working areas bounded by
the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum):

1) 01 deg. 13.86’N / 103 deg. 43.69’E
2) 01 deg. 13.64’N / 103 deg. 43.53’E
3) 01 deg. 13.50’N / 103 deg. 43.73’E
4) 01 deg. 13.48’N / 103 deg. 43.90’E
5) 01 deg. 13.42’N / 103 deg. 44.23’E
6) 01 deg. 13.35’N / 103 deg. 44.67’E
7) 01 deg. 13.36’N / 103 deg. 45.07’E
8) 01 deg. 13.42’N / 103 deg. 45.36’E
9) 01 deg. 13.08’N / 103 deg. 45.68’E
10) 01 deg. 13.18’N / 103 deg. 45.45’E
11) 01 deg. 13.07’N / 103 deg. 45.36’E
12) 01 deg. 12.95’N / 103 deg. 44.95’E
13) 01 deg. 12.85’N / 103 deg. 44.72’E
14) 01 deg. 12.82’N / 103 deg. 44.25’E
15) 01 deg. 12.60’N / 103 deg. 44.37’E
16) 01 deg. 12.78’N / 103 deg. 43.85’E
17) 01 deg. 12.90’N / 103 deg. 43.30’E
Anchor 1) 01 deg. 13.10’N / 103 deg. 44.15’E
Anchor 2) 01 deg. 13.20’N / 103 deg. 44.19’E
Anchor 3) 01 deg. 13.17’N / 103 deg. 44.40’E
Anchor 4) 01 deg. 13.09’N / 103 deg. 44.37’E

The experiments and collection of data will be carried out by deploying
autonomous unmanned vehicles in the working areas. The autonomous unmanned
vehicles will be launched from the work barge during the experiments.
Operation and monitoring of these vehicles’ movement will be carried out
from the workboats.

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and
international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working areas, mariners are reminded to:
(a) keep well clear and not to enter the working areas;
(b) maintain a proper lookout;
(c) proceed at a safe speed & navigate with caution;
(d) maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 22 (Jurong Control);
(e) communicate with Jurong Control on VHF 22 for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at

DATE: January 10, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Fremantle
Upcoming wharf upgrade

A wharf upgrade starting next week at Fremantle Ports’ Inner Harbour will
involve installation of a new fender system at E Berth and part of D Berth
on Victoria Quay.

Work will include removing the existing 290-metre fender system; driving
new steel piles into the harbour; installing concrete planks, beams,
fabricated steel items, new rubber fenders and wharf furnishings; and
reinstating the deck.

The piling component, occurring intermittently from Mondays to Saturdays
over the next eight months, will generate noise but will be carried out
between 7am and 7pm only.

The timber fender system at E Berth was originally constructed in 1927,
with the last major maintenance completed in 1995. Due to the structure’s
age and condition, a total replacement is now required.

In 1997, almost two-thirds of D Berth’s timber fender was replaced and
upgraded and the remaining third, adjacent to E Berth, now also requires
replacement. D and E berths are used for continued cargo handling and
vessel repairs.

The new fender system will reduce the stresses imposed on the existing
wharf by the larger ships and will need less wharf maintenance.

The system can be incorporated in any future new wharf structure and will
enable improved vessel berth positioning, especially for some smaller
ships. The wharf upgrade will take 10 months to complete.

Similar work was undertaken at Berth 2 on North Quay about two years ago.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at

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global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.


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