The John Faraclas
Now then, how could this round in Ukraine end up? How the situation affects the energy jargon and the shipping perspective? The Ports are still unaffected, but… John Faraclas writes:
An area which for some defines the fault line of geopolitics in Central Eastern Europe, with East and West being dragged-in in a unique melee, is an area were the eagles will fight the last battle towards the Ural Mountains were geographically Europe ends. Let’s be clear on this!; let’s see who the final winner will be!
Historically it was been an area, the platoon of confrontation for many nations since antiquity: Ancient Greeks with their first in the region commercial colonies without subjecting the hinterland populations– you dead well know what I mean, The Romans, The Byzantines, The Poles, even Lithuanians, The White Russians and Russians, The Ottomans, Moldovans, Romanians to name but a few, got involved in this area.
Only the Ancient Greeks managed a well-proportioned balance since the 7th century B.C, which lasted until the Bolshevik Revolution which ousted the real masters in the Greek commercial colonies of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, who were successfully running trade and shipping for many centuries under various other forceful occupants in the vast area of South Ukraine and South West Russia including the Caspian Sea and the entire Caucuses regions. Needless to say that the Greeks created a commercial buffer zone, obstructing a commercial war et al! Suggest you all read and then study the essay/book “The Greeks in the Black Sea” – covering the period from the Bronze Age to the early Twentieth Century and you see what I mean… A great work by Marianna Koromila first published by Panorama in 1991 and then you tell me… Well known contributors include the late Professor Alexander Alexidge, Anna Ballian, Professor Otar Lordkipanidze and Louisa Polychroniadou-Loukopoulou – a must-to-have and a must-to-read book!
Having said this, once knowing business history and conversely trade and shipping, the magnitude of an explosion and the proxy war (?) that might take place – you never ever know, and given what recently was attempted in Georgia suggest caution before it becomes the Red Revolution with incalculable repercussions in the entire region. And what about the Straits of Bosporus, The Dardanelles, the canals in Russia too.
Caution, caution caution!
P.S. On another tone, whoever has “triggered” this new “uprising” in Ukraine, will bear the full responsibility of an uncontrollable outcome. It has happened at the wrong time given also the Sochi Winter Olympics; remember this.