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Home Energy Gastech News relaunched

Gastech News relaunched

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Gastech News was relaunched in March 2013 and gives you free access to original, exclusive multi-media content in a fortnightly newsletter format which will examine issues affecting the oil & gas sectors with a particular emphasis on the natural gas business.

Alex Forbes, the highly-respected energy industry journalist and commentator, has stepped into the role of Associate Editor, providing you with an exceptional level of insight and understanding of the issues that most impact the industry.

In this issue we focus on the impact of:

New developments on proposed US LNG export projects
FLNG – why it’s growing as a popular choice for sponsors of gas projects
CCS technology breakthrough big boost for gas industry
EPCI contracts in Indonesia.

Plus industry insights on Subsea and Offshore technology, from technical speakers at the Centres of Technical Excellence (CoTEs) seminars.

See more industry expert articles on our Gastech website.

Exclusive Features
The potential for floating liquefaction facilities to reduce the cost of new supply projects – or at least to make costs more controllable and predict…Read More >>>
The prospect of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology being applied to power stations fuelled with natural gas has come a couple of…Read More >>>
SKK Migas, Indonesia’s upstream oil and gas task force, has awarded engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contracts for two…Read More >>>
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