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Home NewsConferences, Seminars, Forums Mersey Maritime members give vote of confidence in IFB2014

Mersey Maritime members give vote of confidence in IFB2014

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Jim TeasdaleMersey Maritime members have given a resounding ‘thumbs-up’ to the forthcoming Maritime, Logistics and Energy (MLE) event which will take place in Liverpool this summer as part of the International Festival for Business 2014.

Mersey Maritime Group, which represents over 200 maritime and maritime-related businesses in Liverpool and the North West, used its March ‘Face-to-Face’ forum to outline to its members the benefits of being involved in the MLE event and the reaction was nothing short of overwhelmingly positive.

Member companies are already looking at how they can maximise their involvement either by holding their own events, sponsoring other events or attending the growing list of conferences, seminars and Gala Dinners.

Over 30 events have so far been confirmed or are in the process of being confirmed for the MLE event which is due to run from Monday June 9th to Friday June 20th and many more are expected to be included. Top UK and European politicians will be in town during the fortnight, where the emphasis will all be on the UK and the North West’s pivotal role played in the global movement of freight.

Over 250, 000 business visitors are expected to descend on the northern UK city of Liverpool to attend the International Festival for Business 2014 – a six-week business jamboree which aims to connect UK businesses into international markets, bringing together the smartest entrepreneurial minds and the best business opportunities.

The IFB 2014 events calendar is programmed around seven business growth themes aimed at showcasing the ‘Best of British’ and engaging an international audience. They are: Maritime, Logistics & Energy; Higher & Further Education & Research; Cities, Enterprise & Urban Business; Manufacturing, Science & Technology; Knowledge, Professional & Financial Services; Low Carbon & Renewables; as well as Knowledge, Creative & Digital.

The Maritime, Logistics & Energy thematic is organised jointly by Mersey Maritime and Shipping Innovation, organiser of last year’s highly successful London International Shipping Week (LISW).

Jim Teasdale, Chief Executive of Mersey Maritime Group, said the variety and diversity of events that are already planned for the MLE fortnight point to the crucial role the region and its businesses currently play on the global transport stage. “This can only be good news for the hard work undertaken by Mersey Maritime members and other businesses in the region. We look forward to inviting the business and political decision-makers to Liverpool in June to show what this dynamic region is achieving and is capable of achieving in the future.”

The Maritime, Logistics & Energy events website has been launched and further information can be found by clicking on: www.maritimelogisticsandenergy.com


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