LSLC’s 20th Anniversary – Cadwallader Debate and Dinner
Join the Centre and its members at the renowned Savoy Hotel, London, to celebrate our 20th anniversary.
Date: Tuesday 25th November 2014 from 5.45pm
Champagne Reception, illustrious Debate and a three-course meal.
Debate: “Regulatory Challenges: Shipping between a rock and a hard place”
Chairman: Julian Bray – Editor-in-Chief, Tradewinds
Debaters: Clay Maitland – Managing Partner, International Registries Inc. & Christine Berg – Head of the Maritime Safety Unit, The European Commission.
Koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General, IMO – Closing Remarks and the Vote of Thanks on behalf of the IMO tbc
Tickets are available at £190.00 per person
For further information about the event, sponsorship opportunities and advance bookings:
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