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Home Energy MLE workshop to explore the dangers of social media

MLE workshop to explore the dangers of social media

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mleLove it or hate it, social media is part of modern life – and in the wrong hands, it can even be dangerous.

The use of social media as a business tool and how to avoid the pitfalls will be the subject of a half day workshop due to be held during popular Maritime, Logistics and Energy thematic which forms part of the forthcoming International Festival For Business in Liverpool.

Taking place from 2pm on Tuesday June 17 2014, the “Social Media and the Maritime Industry” workshop, organised by Hill Dickinson in conjunction with InterManager, will explore the issues arising from the use of social media, looking at both the good and the bad. The session will consider the advantages of using social media and examine some of the problems and pitfalls which can arise.

Although many of the issues regarding social media and the maritime industry are similar to other industries, there are additional considerations arising from the international nature of our industry with its potential for cultural and religious clashes. Seafarers are often away from their families and friends for long periods of time and have a higher reliance upon social media than other workers.
The first part of the workshop will be chaired by John Hulmes, Chairman of Mersey Maritime, and will be led by a team of informed speakers who have particular knowledge of social media in a business context. Confirmed speakers include:
• Magnus Boyd, partner at international maritime law firm Hill Dickinson and specialist in legal issues arising from misuse of social media
• Anneley Pickles and Sue Henney of KVH Media
• Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General of InterManager

The presentations will be followed by the first public showing of a film specially commissioned by InterManager from Videotel regarding the use of Social Media by Seafarers.

There will then be a workshop discussion of the issues arising from the presentations and points raised by attendees, led by a panel consisting of: Captain Kuba Szymanski (InterManager); Stephen Bond (Videotel); Magnus Boyd (Hill Dickinson); Briony Fisher (MTI Network) and Anneley Pickles (KVH Media).

This workshop is aimed at all those involved in the maritime industry who have an active interest in the use of social media including HR Managers, PR Managers, Claims Managers etc. Numbers will be strictly limited to ensure the workshop allows informed discussion by attendees who have a genuine interest in the subject.

The workshop is supported by InterManager which will use the workshop as the start of a consultation process with a view to presenting a draft Code of Conduct for seafarers at its AGM later this year.

All attendees of the workshop are invited to attend a drinks reception afterwards, to be held in the Hilton Hotel at 5pm.

The Maritime, Logistics & Energy thematic is organised jointly by Mersey Maritime and Shipping Innovation, organiser of last year’s highly successful London International Shipping Week (LISW).


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