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Home HRAcademia Change attitudes and you change behaviour, says the Swedish Club

Change attitudes and you change behaviour, says the Swedish Club

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Martin Hernqvist

Martin Hernqvist

COPENHAGEN,  15 MAY 2014: Developing effective safety cultures on board involves thinking outside the box and away from established practice, according to Martin Hernqvist, head of The Swedish Club Academy, the body set up to deliver The Maritime Resource Management programme (MRM), speaking at yesterday’s Manning and Training Conference in Copenhagen.

“It is only through a genuine change in attitudes that behaviour can be changed and a demonstrable improvement in a company’s safety culture made, ” said Mr Hernqvist.  “If attitudes are poor it doesn’t matter what technical skills and knowledge a company has in place as it will not see the change in behaviour needed to achieve results in the loss prevention arena.

“It’s about having the right culture in place – both at sea and on shore – and this is why attitudes must ultimately be driven by the ship owner themselves. “

Whilst this culture change must start from the top down, Mr Hernqvist sees in-house training as a key contributor to this culture change. “In our MRM training we have found this to be the most effective route to achieving long lasting results. The use of a company’s own incident reports and procedures ensures that the training is operating closer to the participants own reality, and new behaviours are much more likely to be reinforced in the future.

“In addition, what goes on inside the training room should be replicated in the working environment, ” he said. “Companies should use the MRM terminology and tools in communication with ships and for incident analyses, and Safety Management Systems should be updated and in line with the training objectives set during the course.

Concludes Mr Hernqvist, ”There may be challenges ahead for the established maritime academies and training centres to produce good and long-lasting results since they are further away from the organizational cultures the trainees eventually will be part of.”

The MRM course is one of a number of Loss Prevention initiatives The Swedish Club has introduced, and is designed to minimise the risk of incidents by encouraging safe and responsible behaviour. It aims to foster positive attitudes, favouring good personal communication, excellence in leadership and team-working skills and compliance with operating procedures. It is ideal for deck and engineering officers, together with maritime pilots and shore-based personnel. The objective is to ensure that sound resource management practices underpin everyday operations.

The Swedish Club was founded in 1872 and is today a leading and diversified mutual marine insurance company, owned and controlled by its members. The Club writes Protection & Indemnity, Freight, Demurrage & Defence, Hull & Machinery, Hull Interests, Loss of Hire, War Risks, and any additional insurances required by shipowners or charterers. It also writes Hull & Machinery, War risks and Loss of Hire for Mobile Offshore Units and FPSOs.

Its head office is located in Gothenburg, Sweden, with branch offices in Piraeus, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Oslo.

More information about the Club is available at: www.swedishclub.com

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