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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC-newYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Singapore, Singapore – Repairs to revetment seawall & drain outfalls
* Singapore, Singapore – Construction of offshore containment bund
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 29/05/14

DATE: May 29, 2014
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Singapore
Repairs to revetment seawall & drain outfalls

From 30 May to 29 November, repair works will be carried out to the
revetment seawall and drain outfalls at Sungei Jurong.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine
Notice No.77 of 2014 dated 29 May 2014, the works will be conducted between
0800 and 1800 hours daily – including Sundays & Public Holidays – within
the working area bounded by the following coordinates (WGS 84 Datum):
1) 01° 19.048’N / 103° 43.720’E
2) 01° 19.035’N / 103° 43.744’E
3) 01° 19.026’N / 103° 43.739’E
4) 01° 19.039’N / 103° 43.715’E

The repair and restoration works will entail sorting, leveling and pitching
of existing drain outfalls.

The works will be carried out by excavators and the materials for the
restoration work will be provided by the work barge.

Craft will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
(a) keep well clear and not to enter the working area;
(b) maintain a proper lookout;
(c) proceed at a safe speed & navigate with caution;
(d) maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 25 ( Pasir Panjang Control);
(e) communicate with Pasir Panjang Control on Channel 25 for assistance, if

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at

DATE: May 29, 2014
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Singapore
Construction of offshore containment bund

From 4 June to 4 December, soil investigation and works to construct an
offshore containment bund will be conducted off Tuas View.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine
Notice No. 67 of 2014, the works will be conducted 24 hours daily –
including Sundays & Public Holidays – within the working area bounded by
the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum):
1) 01° 15.333’N / 103° 37.094’E
2) 01° 15.333’N / 103° 38.769’E
3) 01° 14.926’N / 103° 38.769’E
(Buoy/Light characteristics: F2-TVE-01/FI.Y.2s(sync))
4) 01° 14.647’N / 103° 38.156’E
(Buoy/Light characteristics: F2-TVE-02/FI.Y.2s(sync))
5) 01° 14.647’N / 103° 37.660’E
(Buoy/Light characteristics: F2-TVE-03/FI.Y.2s(sync))
6) 01° 14.647’N / 103° 37.143’E

The construction work will involve the supply and delivery of sand, filling
and formation of sand bund, provisions of temporary moorings and temporary
facilities, soil investigation, management of dumping and related
activities including environmental monitoring and management, surveys and
tracking of vessels.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
(a) keep well clear and not to enter the working area;
(b) maintain a proper lookout;
(c) proceed at a safe speed & navigate with caution;
(d) maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 22;
(e) communicate with Jurong Control on VHF 22 for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at

DATE: May 29, 2014
Bunker Update:

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert

                        180 CST   380 CST   MGO         MDO

Aberdeen                0         0         565.00      0

Aden                    735.00    676.00    1, 100.00    0

Alexandria              750.00    670.00    1, 170.00    0

Amsterdam               615.00    584.00    878.00      0

Antwerp                 612.00    583.00    878.00      0

Aqaba                   0         715.00    1, 040.00    0

Bahrain                 0         0         1, 045.00    0

Bergen                  715.00    690.00    940.00      0

Busan                   643.00    618.00    938.00      927.00

Cape Town               656.00    0         964.00      0

Colombo                 655.00    650.00    1, 035.00    0

Dubai                   633.00    618.00    890.00      0

Durban                  618.00    0         1, 045.00    0

Fujairah                612.00    608.00    985.00      0

Gibraltar               715.00    685.00    946.00      0

Grangemouth             0         0         582.00      0

Hong Kong               631.00    619.00    933.00      0

Houston                 645.00    597.00    992.00      0

Istanbul                650.00    620.00    961.00      0

Jeddah                  732.00    671.00    1, 075.00    0

Kaohsiung               654.00    636.00    1, 030.00    1, 020.00

Kuwait                  0         620.00    1, 050.00    0

Leith                   0         0         578.00      0

Lerwick                 0         0         575.00      0

Malta                   745.00    721.00    921.00      0

Mersey                  0         0         592.00      0

Mumbai                  633.00    620.00    1, 088.00    0

New York & New Jersey   687.00    620.00    990.00      0

Panama                  693.00    607.00    1, 037.00    0

Piraeus                 735.00    708.00    937.00      0

Port Louis              695.00    0         1, 030.00    0

Port Said               750.00    670.00    1, 070.00    0

Qatar                   0         0         925.00      0

Richards Bay            627.00    0         1, 055.00    0

Rio de Janeiro          620.00    595.00    970.00      0

Rotterdam               596.00    582.00    884.00      0

Salalah                 710.00    665.00    1, 150.00    0

Shanghai                651.00    626.00    1, 067.00    0

Sharjah                 633.00    618.00    890.00      0

Singapore               618.00    607.00    913.00      0

Sohar                   0         628.00    1, 023.00    0

St Petersburg           520.00    490.00    874.00      0

Stavanger               0         0         960.00      0

Suez                    700.00    670.00    1, 080.00    0

Sunderland              0         0         575.00      0

Thames                  0         0         587.00      0

Walvis Bay              708.00    0         1, 075.00    0

West Africa OFFSHORE    0         655.00    997.00      0

Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC
group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.

The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices
should be approached directly for firm prices.

Middle East & Africa: bunker.ae@gac.com
Europe: bunker.gb@gac.com
Egypt & Mediterranean: bunker.eg@gac.com
Americas: bunker.us@gac.com
Asia Pacific: bunker.sg@gac.com
Indian Subcontinent: bunker.sl@gac.com

Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting
HPN for more information or with your bunker enquiry.

GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the
global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.


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