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Home MarketsStock Markets Handelsbanken lists its first bond issue on Oslo Børs

Handelsbanken lists its first bond issue on Oslo Børs

by admin

osloSE-photo-1532612/06/2014 – Svenska Handelsbanken AB lists its first bond issue on Oslo Børs today.

Handelsbanken is a full-service bank with a nationwide branch network in Sweden, the UK, Denmark, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands.

The bond loan that is admitted to listing today – Svenska Handelsbanken AB 14/17 FRN – is an issue of NOK 1000 million with a floating interest rate of 3 month NIBOR + 0, 33 %, with maturity in June 2017. Handelsbanken is the manager for the issue.

The Norwegian bond market is growing strongly, and an increasing number of companies are raising loan capital on the Oslo Børs fixed income marketplaces. Companies with bonds and certificates listed on Oslo Børs and Nordic ABMmarketplaces have raised more new loan capital this year than ever before, and May was the busiest month so far in 2014: New record for the Oslo Børs fixed income marketplaces

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