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GAC 01072014

New minimum depths announced
August 04, 2014, India, Mundra
Mundra Port Authorities have advised the revised draft at berths and minimum depths in the approach channel and turning circle for the month of August, as follows: 

The minimum depth in the MICT container approach channel and turning circle is 14.0 metres at Chart Datum.


The minimum depth in the South basin approach channel and turning circle is 14.1 metres at Chart Datum.


The minimum depth in the West Basin approach channel 14.4 metres at Chart Datum.


The new minimum depths are as follows:

B-1: 14.1m (increase)

B-2: 13.0m

B-3: 13.7m (decrease)

B-4: 13.0m (decrease)

B-5: 14.1m (increase)

B-6: 16.0m

B-7: 12.0m

B-8: 10.5m

B-9: 13.0m (decrease)

B-10: 13.7m (increase)

B-11: 13.6m (increase)

B-12: 14.5m (increase)

WB-1: 17.5m

WB-2: 17.3m

WB-3: 17.3m

MICT CB1: 14.2m (increase)

MICT CB2: 14.3m (decrease) – Only up to bollard 32

AMCT CB3: 14.1m (increase)

AMCT CB4: 14.1m (increase) – Only up to bollard 31.

SB-6: 14.5m (decrease)

SB-7: 14.3m (decrease)


For information about operations in India contact GAC India at india@gac.com

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert
Market Price Update 04/08/14
Aberdeen 0 0 917.00 0
Aden 755.00 678.00 1, 100.00 0
Alexandria 755.00 655.00 1, 175.00 0
Amsterdam 605.00 575.00 860.00 0
Antwerp 600.00 570.00 855.00 0
Aqaba 0 720.00 1, 045.00 0
Bahrain 0 0 1, 025.00 0
Bergen 665.00 638.00 930.00 0
Busan 642.00 615.00 920.00 910.00
Cape Town 643.00 0 955.00 0
Colombo 695.00 650.00 1, 025.00 0
Dubai 645.00 635.00 850.00 0
Durban 613.00 0 1, 028.00 0
Fujairah 623.00 615.00 980.00 0
Gibraltar 660.00 630.00 926.00 0
Grangemouth 0 0 965.00 0
Hambantota 657.00 643.00 1, 005.00 0
Hong Kong 618.00 609.00 910.00 0
Houston 660.00 580.00 935.00 0
Istanbul 643.00 613.00 945.00 0
Jeddah 710.00 665.00 1, 080.00 0
Kaohsiung 646.00 636.00 1, 005.00 990.00
Kuwait 0 647.00 1, 270.00 0
Leith 0 0 925.00 0
Lerwick 0 0 931.00 0
Malta 704.00 679.00 907.00 0
Mersey 0 0 930.00 0
Mumbai 630.00 621.00 1, 090.00 0
New York & New Jersey 645.00 590.00 960.00 0
Panama 680.00 590.00 1, 010.00 0
Piraeus 679.00 651.00 920.00 0
Port Louis 695.00 0 1, 022.00 0
Port Said 755.00 667.00 1, 085.00 0
Qatar 0 0 930.00 0
Richards Bay 623.00 0 1, 033.00 0
Rio de Janeiro 618.00 594.00 990.00 0
Rotterdam 600.00 570.00 862.00 0
Salalah 698.00 645.00 1, 120.00 0
Shanghai 649.00 624.00 1, 048.00 0
Sharjah 645.00 635.00 850.00 0
Singapore 618.00 608.00 898.00 0
Sohar 0 660.00 1, 035.00 0
St Petersburg 520.00 451.00 800.00 0
Stavanger 0 0 948.00 0
Suez 720.00 665.00 1, 085.00 0
Sunderland 0 0 932.00 0
Thames 0 0 998.00 0
Walvis Bay 730.00 0 1, 055.00 0
West Africa OFFSHORE – FROM ABIDJAN TO LUANDA 0 672.00 1, 010.00 0
GAC Bunker Fuels is an ISO9001 certified global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants. The prices listed are for indication purposes only. Contact our offices or Martyn McMahon at +971-56 603 2534 /martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting HPN for your bunker enquiry.

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