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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Capsized & sunken towing vessel in Ship Channel
October 15, 2014, United States, Mobile, Alabama

During the evening of the October 13, 2013, the 35’ Dredge Tender NICHOLAS sank and caused the 65’ towing vessel M/V DELTA AMBER to capsize in the Mobile Ship Channel, just south of Light 69 (LLNR 6605).

The precise location of the sunken Dredge Tender NICHOLAS along the bottom of the Mobile Ship Channel is unknown at this time, and the M/V DELTA AMBER is still capsized and likely still attached to the NICHOLAS. The capsized DELTA AMBER is marked with two all-around white LED lights, one places on the stern, and one at the bow. The vessel is currently still on the west (green) side of the Mobile Ship Channel just south of Light 69.

Until further notice, the Captain of the Port (COTP) Mobile is restricting vessels transiting the vicinity of Light 69 to one-way vessel traffic and to vessels with a beam no greater than 105-feet and a draft no more than 30-feet. All mariners are to use extreme caution while transiting the Mobile Ship Channel.

The Coast Guard is currently working with the Army Corps of Engineers to survey and locate the sunken Dredge Tender NICHOLAS near Light 69. When the Coast Guard obtains more accurate information, the Captain of the Port may adjust or remove the above restriction accordingly.

The Captain of the Port Mobile may issue additional MSSBs as conditions change.

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com)

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Mobile, Marine Safety and Security Information Bulletin (MSSB) No.18-14 dated 14 October 2014

Port closures
October 15, 2014, Australia, Sydney

Operations at the ports of Sydney, Newcastle and Port Kembla are facing disruption as a result of adverse weather conditions.


Pilotage Services were suspended from 2200 hours local time yesterday (14 October) and the port remains closed. Assessment of the situation is scheduled for 1700 hours today (15 October).


The port was closed at 2330 hours local time yesterday and remains closed with the next outward movement scheduled for 0100 hours tomorrow (16 October) and next inward movement scheduled for 0800 hours tomorrow.


The port was closed at 2015 hours local time yesterday. Following assessment by the duty pilots this morning, the port re-opened at 1100 hours local time today. The outer anchorage remains closed until further notice.

For further details or information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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