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Home Associations VSTEP simulator classroom for IDESS Maritime Training Centre

VSTEP simulator classroom for IDESS Maritime Training Centre

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VSTP 26112014

Subic Bay,  November 26th 2014 – The IDESS Maritime Training Centre in the Philippines purchased a  VSTEP simulator classroom for training of its customers in compliance with international maritime standards and regulations.  The simulators provide IDESS with a high tech tool to enhance their current simulator training and offer customers certified simulator courses in navigation at the IDESS centre.  IDESS is an ISO 9001:2008 Quality Assured company providing  training courses to maritime students and personnel in the Philippines. The classroom purchase by IDESS includes 4 high performance  NAUTIS Desktop Trainers and an Instructor Station to allow the instructor full exercise control during training sessions.

Following the recent scrutiny Philippine seafarers have come under due to the 2013 European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) audits and results, high quality training in compliance with current maritime regulations remains a priority for the leading training centres in the region. The installation of the simulator classroom gives IDESS full capability to provide cost effective training in compliance with the latest STCW and IMO standards.

The classroom was delivered and installed by VSTEP and its Philippine partner Delnet and selected IDESS instructors have received simulator operation training from VSTEP engineers. The new simulators courses will be integrated in the IDESS training curriculum on offer.



VSTEP is a leading International developer of simulators and virtual training software. VSTEP creates 3D virtual training applications and simulators that allow people to build their skills in a practical and cost effective way. VSTEP has several core product lines, focusing on incident command and disaster management simulators for first responders (RescueSim), maritime simulator solutions for the civilian & military maritime industry (NAUTIS), training simulators to prepare camera operators to identify suspect human behavior before a crime or terrorist attack takes place (EyeObserve) and Crowd Control Trainers providing police commanders and training managers with an effective training tool for crowd-related incidents and demonstrations (Crowd Control Trainer). www.vstepsimulation.com



VSTEP Simulation and Virtual Training
Weena 598, 3012 CN Rotterdam
The Netherlands



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