ITF trade unions worldwide acted in unison to back the ITUC’s call for an ILO convention on gender-based violence at work on 25 November, the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Workers said NO to violence against women on every continent, with many unions and the ITF sharing comments and images on Twitter and Facebook, for example members writing no on their hands or holding banners. Several Maritime Union of Australia branches held fundraisers for the White Ribbon campaign on violence against women. The ITF student summer school in Argentina held a debate on the role of unions and employers in preventing violence and showed a film about a recent case where the unions helped to stop the kidnapping of a women for prostitution. View the video here:
The ITUC is urging the ILO governing body to act, arguing that a convention would help to identify the true extent of the problem and help governments, unions and employers tackle it.
See more about what unions did on 25 November and add your union’s report: And take a look at photos of the events