John A. Economides
The Philosophy of Law, by John A. Economides*
Interactions are interchanges
Interrelation arrives by way of time and information. Future interactions and reproductions are variations of past interactions and reproductions. Interactions develop relations. Reproductions develop organizations. Relations and organizations develop conditions. Conditions are structural and systematic. Interactive and reproductive information determines universal evolution, inorganic, organic, biological and human.
In human beings interactive information develops neurological and configures human mental states, rational (logical) and emotional (psychological). Consequently information and communication fashion human activities and behaviors, determining human relations, organizations and conditions.
Relations develop organizations, which serve them. Organization via reproduction provides relations / interactions with regularity and normality
Principles and values, ethics and morals, regulations, laws and institutions are structural (constitutional) and systematic (statutory). Laws and legal systems essentially regulate the relations (interactions) in members of human communities and societies but also citizens in cities and states. In such conditions:
a) The governing authorities (in democratic states the Parliaments) produce the laws and the statutes according to state constitution.
b) The judicial systems – the Courts interpret them according to the legal prescription and jurisprudence and enforce them via Court orders, decisions and judgements .
Accordingly the cultural, moral and especially the legal and judicial systems:
- Discourage interactions, which cannot and should not be replicated (the bad).
- Encourage interactions, which can and should be replicated (the good) by providing the conditional framework for their development and evolution.
Theories of law and justice provide the equity in human relations (interactions). Equity is relational and provided via scale. In theory of law equity is fixed (legal and integral). In theory of justice, equity is variable (judged and external). In both theories and practices (law and justice) equity is provided in order to reinforce interactions and facilitate reproductions.
By the limitation of reproductions via regulation and by the liberation of interactions via the reinforcement of individual rights, legal and judicial systems (laws and processes) provide the economic, social and political functionality of cohabitation, cooperation and coexistence in human civilization.
*John A. Economides is an attorney in Greece – partner in the law firm Aristides Economides & Co in Athens. In the late ‘80s he launched an initiative together with other young shipping professionals for the establishment of Hellenic Shipmanagement Principles. In addition to the shipping law practice he engages in philosophy. He is author of the comprehensive philosophical treatise published in Greek 2010 under the title “The Theory of Cosmos” and in English 2012 under the title “The Universe of Interactions”.