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GAC 01072014

Kuwait, Mina Al Ahmadi
Hong Kong, all ports
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Australia, Dampier
Australia, Gladstone
New port tariffs in force
February 24, 2015, Kuwait, Mina Al Ahmadi
New port tariffs are now applicable at the KPC Terminals at Mina al Ahmadi, Mina Abdulla and Shuaiba PPP.For further details or information about operations in Kauwait contact GAC Kuwait atkuwait@gac.com
Seafarers warned re prohibited items
February 24, 2015, Hong Kong, all ports
The Philippines’ Bureau of Immigration has issued a reminder to seafarers to refrain from bringing with them prohibited items when travelling to or through Hong Kong ports.The Hong Kong Police Airport District has requested our Philippine Consulate Office to warn Filipino nationals, especially seafarers, on their strict prohibition of stun guns, tear gas, bullets, extendible batons and knuckle dusters which are all considered “arms” under their Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance.


As of 2014, 81 Filipino nationals (mostly seafarers) have been convicted of possession of arms without license in Hong Kong. This offence is punishable by a fine of HK$ 100, 000 and/or a maximum sentence of 14 years.


All hand carried and checked in luggage of tourists or transiting passengers are subjected to security screening in all terminals.


For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong atshipping.hongkong@gac.com

For information about operations in the Philippines contact GAC Philippines atphilippines@gac.com

Dredging Operations in Northern Fairway
February 24, 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
For approximately 11 months, dredging operations will be carried out [in Hong Kong’s Northern Fairway] within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (F):-(A) 22 deg. 19.650’N / 114 deg. 06.900’E(B) 22 deg. 19.350’N / 114 deg. 07.180’E

(C) 22 deg. 19.330’N / 114 deg. 07.070’E

(D) 22 deg. 18.850’N / 114 deg. 06.200’E

(E) 22 deg. 18.510’N / 114 deg. 06.020’E

(F) 22 deg. 19.070’N / 114 deg. 05.880’E


To alleviate the impact to marine traffic in the Northern Fairway arising from the dredging operations, a temporarily widened fairway with boundary joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (G) to (H) will be established:-

(G) 22 deg. 19.374’N / 114 deg. 06.425’E

(H) 22 deg. 19.242’N / 114 deg. 05.760’E


The works will be carried out by a grab dredger. Three tug boats and three split-hopper barges will assist in the works. The number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.


A working area of approximately 200 metres by 100 metres around the grab dredger will be established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the grab dredger.


The works will be carried out round-the-clock.


The vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.


Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.


(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong atshipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.31 of 2015

Revised channel depths
February 24, 2015, Australia, Dampier
Pilbara Ports Authority has announced revised channel depths following a survey for Rio Tinto of the departure channels out of East Intercourse Island (EII) and Parker Point (PP) and the main channel out of the Dampier terminals (as well as other areas of the port).The results showed a reduction in depth has occurred since the previous surveys of Rio Tinto channels and following consultation with the Pilbara Ports Authority, it has been decided to declare the depths as follows:


EII Channel:

Changed from 15.5m to 15.1m


PP North and South:

Changed from 15.4m to 15.0m


Rio Tinto Main Channel:

Changed from 15.5m to 15.3m


Maximum sailing drafts, based on the new depths and applying Applying the required minimum UKC of 10% of draft, are:


EII MSD = 15.1 + Tide -2.0


PP MSD = 15.0 + Tide -2.0


For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia atshipping.australia@gac.com

After-effects of Tropical Cyclone Marcia
February 24, 2015, Australia, Gladstone
Central Queensland ports have been assessing the impact of last week’s Tropical Cyclone Marcia.The Port of Gladstone re-opened to shipping movements midday on Saturday (21 February), with no significant damage to port infrastructure.


Berthing prospects for coal vessels are difficult to estimate at this time, however.

As of today (24 February), the terminal is still reviewing the supply chain with damage to the rail system delivering coal to the port still being assessed. It is understood that the Blackwater Line has been fully returned to service with no speed restrictions. The Moura Line remains closed, with aerial inspections of track having been undertaken, however on the ground inspections are being hampered because of road closures and inability to access by rail. The mines that may be affected by this closure will be Moura, Dawson, Baralaba and Callide. The duration of this interruption is unknown at this time.

Vessels are being scheduled on a case by case basis depending on coal supply at the port.


Port Alma and Bundaberg remain on Orange Alert due to flood water and debris. The ports are are open to daylight navigation only with extreme care being exercised due to debris, navigation aids out of position, grounded or foundered vessels and the possibility of siltation due to flood waters.


Port Alma and Bundaberg Ports remain closed to trade shipping until check surveys have been completed once flooding has receded.


For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia atshipping.australia@gac.com

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