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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Steel piles presenting navigation hazard
April 22, 2015, Angola, Soyo

Mariners are advised to exercise caution when navigating within the Port of Soyo, south of the leading light in position Lat 6 deg. 06.79’S Long 12 deg. 19.57’E, due to the existence of several steel piles projecting from the seabed.

The piles, which project 2-3 metres above sea level, are located within an area bounded by the following co-ordinates:

Lat 6 deg. 06.91’S, Long 12 deg. 19.59’E;

Lat 6 deg. 06.92’S, Long 12 deg. 19.60’E;

Lat 6 deg. 07.02’S, Long 12 deg. 19.56’E;

Lat 6 deg. 07.03’S, Long 12 deg. 19.58’E.

The piles are marked at the northern and southern extremities by Flashing White Lights displaying the Mo (U) characteristic.

For information about operations in Angola contact GAC Angola at angola@gac.com

Channel entry buoys unlit
April 22, 2015, Angola, Soyo

Soyo Port Channel Entry Buoys No.1 (Green Starboard Hand buoy) and No.2 (Red Port Hand buoy) are unlit.

Mariners are advised to exercise caution when using the channel during the hours of darkness, and particularly during approach from seaward.

Up to date information on all port operations is available through Soyo Port Control on VHF Channel 11.

For information about operations in Angola contact GAC Angola at angola@gac.com

Soil investigation east of Raffles Lighthouse
April 22, 2015, Singapore, Singapore

From 23 April to 23 June, soil investigation works will be carried out east of Raffles Lighthouse.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s Port Marine Notice No.44 of 2015, the works will be conducted between 0700 and 1900 hours daily (except weekends and Public

Holidays) within the working area at the following borehole points (WGS 84 Datum):

1 01 deg. 10.260’N / 103 deg. 45.430’E

2 01 deg. 10.182’N / 103 deg. 45.326’E

3 01 deg. 10.147’N / 103 deg. 45.267’E

4 01 deg. 10.130’N / 103 deg. 45.215’E

5 01 deg. 10.072’N / 103 deg. 45.207’E

6 01 deg. 10.069’N / 103 deg. 45.136’E

11 01 deg. 09.883’N / 103 deg. 45.118’E

12 01 deg. 09.957’N / 103 deg. 45.203’E

13 01 deg. 10.019’N / 103 deg. 45.256’E

14 01 deg. 10.100’N / 103 deg. 45.330’E

15 01 deg. 10.148’N / 103 deg. 45.424’E

16 01 deg. 10.101’N / 103 deg. 45.533’E

17 01 deg. 10.034’N / 103 deg. 45.470’E

18 01 deg. 10.015’N / 103 deg. 45.352’E

19 01 deg. 09.910’N / 103 deg. 45.297’E

20 01 deg. 09.842’N / 103 deg. 45.258’E

21 01 deg. 09.849’N / 103 deg. 45.173’E

22 01 deg. 09.741’N / 103 deg. 45.175’E

23 01 deg. 09.791’N / 103 deg. 45.071’E

25 01 deg. 09.694’N / 103 deg. 45.122’E

26 01 deg. 09.583’N / 103 deg. 45.066’E

27 01 deg. 09.622’N / 103 deg. 45.121’E

28 01 deg. 09.560’N / 103 deg. 45.141’E

29 01 deg. 09.608’N / 103 deg. 45.218’E

30 01 deg. 09.678’N / 103 deg. 45.253’E

31 01 deg. 09.693’N / 103 deg. 45.355’E

32 01 deg. 09.754’N / 103 deg. 45.312’E

33 01 deg. 09.785’N / 103 deg. 45.374’E

34 01 deg. 09.811’N / 103 deg. 45.440’E

35 01 deg. 09.850’N / 103 deg. 45.403’E

36 01 deg. 09.921’N / 103 deg. 45.400’E

37 01 deg. 09.907’N / 103 deg. 45.484’E

38 01 deg. 09.813’N / 103 deg. 45.577’E

39 01 deg. 09.884’N / 103 deg. 45.620’E

40 01 deg. 09.904’N / 103 deg. 45.690’E

41 01 deg. 09.969’N / 103 deg. 45.607’E

42 01 deg. 10.030’N / 103 deg. 45.588’E

43 01 deg. 10.034’N / 103 deg. 45.654’E

Soil investigation work will be carried out by survey boats and work boats.

The safety zone is a circular area of 50m radius centered at the work boat.

Safety boats will be deployed in the vicinity to warn other craft about the work.

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:

a) Keep well clear and not to enter the working area ;

b) Maintain a proper lookout;

c) Proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution;

d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 68 (West Control);


e) Communicate with West Control on VHF Channel 68 for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com

Revised depths at berths
April 22, 2015, Australia, Port Hedland

Based on the latest hydrographical surveys of the harbour, the promulgated depths at berths as of 20 April 2015 within the port of Port Hedland are as follows:

PHPA No.1 Berth: 13.10m CD

PHPA No.2 Berth: 13.10m CD

PHPA No.3 Berth: 13.50m CD

PHPA No.4 Berth (UTAH Point: 14.60m CD

BHP Billiton Nelson Point A Berth (NPA): 19.20m CD

BHP Billiton Nelson Point B Berth (NPB): 19.00m CD

BHP Billiton Nelson Point C Berth (NPC): 19.10m CD

BHP Billiton Nelson Point D Berth (NPD): 19.00m CD

BHP Finucane Island A Berth (FIA): 19.20m CD

BHP Finucane Island B Berth (FIB): 19.20m CD

BHP Finucane Island C Berth (FIC): 18.40m CD

BHP Finucane Island D Berth (FIA): 19.20m CD

FMG Anderson Point Berth 1 (AP1): 19.80m CD

FMG Anderson Point Berth 2 (AP2): 19.70m CD

FMG Anderson Point Berth 3 (AP3): 19.80m CD

FMG Anderson Point Berth 4 (AP4): 19.60m CD

FMG Anderson Point Berth 5 (AP5): 18.80m CD

The Master or agent of any vessel intending to load to a draft within 1 (one metre of the promulgated depth at the above berths is required to notify the Harbour Master of that fact prior to berthing.

(For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com)

Source: Pilbara Ports Authority – Port Hedland Local Marine Notice No, 08/15 dated 20 April 2015

Port closures update (22 April)
April 22, 2015, Australia, Port Kembla

Port Kembla, Port Botany and Port Jackson have reopened. However, there are currently no vessel movements at Newcastle due to the slow moving low pressure system and severe weather conditions off the New South Wales coast.

Port Kembla has reopened and the first movement taking place at 1700 hours local time today (22 April).

In the Sydney area, the ports of Port Botany and Port Jackson have re-opened from approximately 0830 hours today (22 April). Assessments of Port Botany conditions will continue.

At Newcastle, there is no vessel movements at present. Movements could resume from late today (pending confirmation). There is still high swell at the port entrance and flooding of the Hunter River, and some channel markers have shifted. Monitoring of the situation continues. For local weather forecasts, go to www.bom.gov.au/nsw/forecasts/huntercoast.shtml

For further details or information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Revised channel depths
April 22, 2015, Australia, Dampier

The Pilbara Ports Authority recently conducted a survey for Rio Tinto of the departure channels out of East Intercourse Island (EII) and Parker Point (PP) and the main channel out of the Dampier terminals (as well as other areas of the port). Further advice to NTI 15029 , the revised depths are now declared as :

EII departure

– Previous depth: 15.0m

– New depth: 15.5m

PP 2, 4, 5

– Previous depth: 15.0m

– New depth: 15.4m


– Previous depth: 15.0m

– New depth: 15.3m

Main channel

– Previous depth: 15.3m

– New depth: 15.5m

For further details or information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert
Market Price Update 22/04/2015

Aberdeen 0 0 344.00 0
Aden 420.00 400.00 880.00 0
Alexandria 0 640.00 890.00 0
Antwerp 345.00 319.00 546.00 0
Aqaba 0 510.00 782.00 0
Bahrain 0 0 671.00 0
Bergen 0 0 589.00 0
Busan 390.00 368.00 567.00 567.00
Cape Town 448.00 0 629.00 0
Colombo 405.00 400.00 680.00 0
Dubai/Sharjah/Rak 380.00 365.00 580.00 0
Durban 371.00 0 708.00 0
Falmouth 383.00 380.00 643.00 0
Fujairah 360.00 340.00 740.00 0
Gibraltar 400.00 377.00 596.00 0
Hambantota 430.00 428.00 710.00 0
Houston 458.00 331.00 624.00 0
Istanbul 386.00 366.00 603.00 0
Jeddah 400.00 385.00 830.00 0
Kuwait 0 355.00 1, 100.00 0
Labuan 0 0 0 0
Las Palmas 377.00 373.00 576.00 0
Malta 0 395.00 571.00 0
Mumbai 650.00 375.00 756.00 0
New York/New Jersey 407.00 355.00 633.00 0
Panama 405.00 367.00 651.00 0
Piraeus 405.00 384.00 578.00 0
Port Louis 498.00 465.00 650.00 0
Port Said 0 0 890.00 0
Qatar 0 0 600.00 0
Richards Bay 393.00 0 0 0
Rio de Janeiro 363.00 340.00 702.00 0
Rotterdam 345.00 320.00 546.00 0
Salalah 485.00 435.00 865.00 0
Santos 366.00 345.00 730.00 0
Seychelles 0 0 695.00 0
Shanghai 426.00 377.00 719.00 0
Singapore 360.00 345.00 567.00 0
St Petersburg 274.00 251.00 507.00 0
Suez 540.00 370.00 890.00 0
West Africa – Abidjan 492.00 399.00 730.00 0
West Africa – Lome 0 370.00 625.00 0
West Africa – Luanda 430.00 408.00 646.00 0

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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