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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Lock chamber closure for maintenance works
April 30, 2015, Germany, Kiel Canal

Due to maintenance works on the substructures of the lockgates, the Big South Lock Chamber at Holtenau will be out of service from 0700 hours on 5 May to 1600 hours on 6 May.

(For information about operations in Germany contact the GAC UK Hub Agency Centre at hub.gb@gac.com)

Source: Sartori & Berger – GAC agent

Reclamation works
April 30, 2015, Singapore, Singapore

The working period has been extended for reclamation at Tuas View, off Temasek Fairway.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s Port Marine Notice No.49 of 2015, the works will be carried out 24 hours daily – including Sunfays and Public Holiday – from 1 May to 30 September, within the working area bounded by the following coordinates (WGS 84 Datum):

1) 01 deg. 16.297’N / 103 deg. 38.387’E

2) 01 deg. 16.297’N / 103 deg. 38.709’E

3) 01 deg. 15.415’N / 103 deg. 38.709’E

4) 01 deg. 15.415’N / 103 deg. 37.504’E

5) 01 deg. 15.334’N / 103 deg. 37.334’E

6) 01 deg. 15.334’N / 103 deg. 37.129’E

7) 01 deg. 15.357’N / 103 deg. 37.129’E

The reclamation work involves the removal of existing stone shore protection, dredging and underwater blasting at basin and sand key trench.

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:

a) Keep well clear and not to enter the working area;

b) Maintain a proper lookout;

c) Proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution;

d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 22 (Jurong Control);


e) Communicate with Jurong Control on VHF Channel 22 for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com

Switch to clean fuel while at berth
April 30, 2015, Hong Kong, all ports

The Air Pollution Control (Ocean Going Vessels) (Fuel at Berth) Regulation (Cap. 311AA), which mandates ocean-going vessels (OGVs) to use clean fuels while berthing in Hong Kong, will take effect on 1 July 2015.

Details of the Regulation can be found in the following website: www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/home.htm.

The Regulation requires OGVs to use compliant fuel i.e. low sulphur fuel with sulphur content not exceeding 0.5% by weight, liquefied natural gas and any other fuels approved by the Director of Environmental Protection while at berth in Hong Kong, except during the first hour after arrival and the last hour before departure, so as to reduce sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions. The masters are required to record the date and time of fuel switching and keep the relevant records for three years. If an OGV uses technology that can achieve the same or less emission of SO2 as compared with using low sulphur marine fuel, the OGV may be exempted from switching to compliant fuel.

After the Regulation enters into force on 1 July 2015, masters and owners of any OGVs using non-compliant fuel while at berth in Hong Kong will be liable to a maximum fine of $200, 000 and imprisonment for six months. Masters and owners who fail to record or keep the required particulars will also be liable to a maximum fine of $50, 000 and imprisonment for three months.

Masters, agents and operators are required to observe the new requirements and to exercise due diligence to comply with the Regulation.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.56 of 2015

Implementation of the Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Shipowners Liability) (Amendment) Ordinance 2005
April 30, 2015, Hong Kong, all ports

The Central People’s Government has notified the International Maritime Organization of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s accession to the Protocol of 1996 to amend the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976.

To give effect to the provisions of the Protocol, and pursuant to Section 1(3) of the Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Shipowners Liability) (Amendment) Ordinance 2005, the Secretary for Transport and Housing has decided to appoint 3 May 2015 as the day on which Sections 2(b), 11, 12, 14(a) and (b)(i) and 20 of the Ordinance, which are applicable to ships whether seagoing or not, shall come into operation through a notice to be published in the Gazette on 30 April 2015.

A copy of the Ordinance can be found in the following website of Marine Department: www.mardep.gov.hk/en/notices/notices.html

Upon the commencement of the relevant legal provisions, shipowners will be subjected to higher liability limits for claims in respect of loss of life or personal injury and other claims arising from vessel incidents. This can provide better protection for passengers, cargo owners and other parties affected by vessel incidents.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.64 of 2015

Tropical cyclone reaches Category 4 intensity
April 30, 2015, Australia, Dampier

According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s update at 0600 hours local time today (30 April), Severe Tropical Cyclone Quang has just reached category 4 intensity.

The cyclone lies about 785km (425NM) northwest of NW Cape. Further intensification is possible.

Increasing wind shear from late today and even more so during Friday should result in rapid weakening below cyclone intensity prior to

landfall. Nevertheless, gales may persist in southern quadrants, particularly the southeast, as late as Saturday.

The Port of Dampier is currently at Cyclone Response Stage 1 – Monitor, with Pilbara Ports Authority monitoring the weather system and assessing its likely path and potential impact on the Port of Dampier.

The Harbour Master direct that Masters shall ensure that:

1) Engines and machinery are fully operational.

2) Vessel stability, trim, and propeller immersion are appropriate.

3) Manning, stores and bunkers are adequate.

to enable large vessels to put to put to sea at short notice, or small vessels to move onto their designated cyclone moorings at short notice.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Cancellation of Bosphorus closure
April 30, 2015, Turkey, Turkish Straits

Due to bad weather, which is not good for bridge works, the planned closure of the Bosphorus will not take place today (30 April).

Instead, the waterway is expected to be closed to traffic on Saturday (2 May).

For information about oeprations in the Turkish Straits contact GAC Istanbul at turkey@gac.com

New Canal Tolls Structure approved
April 30, 2015, Panama, Panama Canal

The Cabinet Council of the Republic of Panama has officially approved a proposal to modify the Canal tolls structure, following a recommendation from the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) Board of Directors.

The accepted proposal-which modifies the pricing structure for most Canal segments-will better facilitate the Canal’s goal of providing outstanding service and reliability to the global shipping and maritime community while allowing the ACP to safeguard the competitiveness of the waterway.

Today’s passage follows more than a year of informal consultations with representatives from various industry segments, an open call for comments, and a public hearing to solicit industry feedback on these changes….

….Most segments will now be priced based upon different units of measurement to meet and align with the diverse traffic transiting the locks. For instance, dry bulkers will be based on deadweight tonnage capacity and metric tons of cargo. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) vessels, will be based on cubic meters and tankers will be measured and priced on Panama Canal Universal measurement system (PC/UMS) tons and metric tons of cargo. Container ships will continue to be measured and priced on TEUs and passenger vessels will continue to be based on berths or PC/UMS. In addition, a new Intra Maritime Cluster segment has been created which includes local tourism vessels, marine bunkering and container transshipment vessels that do not compete with international trade.

The tolls restructuring will also be implemented alongside a customer-loyalty program for the container segment, a first for the ACP. Frequent container customers will now receive premium prices, once a particular TEU volume is reached….

….The newly approved toll adjustments for all market segments are scheduled to go into effect on April 1, 2016, except for the new Intra Maritime Cluster Segment which go into effect with this approval.

For specific information about the newly approved tolls structure, please visit the ACP’s website: www.pancanal.com

(For information about operations in Panama contact GAC-Wilford & McKay at gac-wilfordmckay.panama@gac.com)

Source: Panama Canal Authority press release dated 29 April 2015

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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