Workshop Day 1
POSEIDON MED partners hold Technical Workshop to make a point on the progress of the project and map the way ahead
18 May 2015 – Poseidon Med technical workshop on LNG vessels as fuel installations was held at the Lloyd’s Register (LR) premises in Piraeus last week. Partners from Greece, Cyprus and Italy, including shipping companies, ports, authorities, designers and engine manufacturers gathered to discuss on technology and requirements to render the adoption of LNG as marine fuel safe, feasible and sustainable. For the first time, regional stakeholders had the chance to express their views on issues like Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS), engines retrofits, quantity and quality while an update on technology and the framework including the status of the IGF Code and Risk assessment methodology were discussed in detail in an open consultation session.

Workshop Day 2
The project technical activity leaders, Hellenic Lloyd’s (LR), EPE/ HelenGi, NAP and Oceanfinance had the chance to provide an update of the work currently in progress and the roadmap to completion until the end of 2015. On the 2nd day of the meeting Minoan Lines and Superfast Ferries, partners to the project, took part in two vessel specific technical workshops. These comprised two pilot cases, a passenger ferry serving the Adriatic Lines and a passenger ferry serving the Crete lines. The technical scope had been to carry out a conceptual risk assessment of the proposed retrofit arrangements exploring also compliance with the current status of the IGF code.
Mr. Linas Technical Director of Minoan Lines, commented ‘This has been a very fruitful meeting revealing that retrofitting to LNG will not be an impossible exercise if the right environmental and financial incentives are present.’

Ioannis Bakas, HelenGi
Mr. Stamboulelis, New Projects and Development Director of Attica Group, maintained that ‘ As IGF is on the verge of adoption it seems we will have a more clear picture on LNG fuel technical requirements. This meeting was very beneficial in unveiling prospective issues and giving us a better insight of ship design problems which will have to be resolved.”
The two day workshop was facilitated by two experts in the field, Dr.Paul Davies, LR Technical Manager for LNG & Alternative Fuels in Southampton, UK and Mr. Marco Nardo, Senior Specialist in Engineering Systems at LR Trieste Technical Support Office Italy. Both shared their extensive experience which stems from involvement in major projects like the Viking Grace and the recent F.A. Gaulthier, first ever LNG fuelled passenger ferry built by Fincantieri.
Next ‘Rendez-vous’ was arranged for mid-June when the technical workshop on port and bunkering operations is scheduled.

Panayiotis Zacharioudakis, Oceanfinance
POSEIDON MED is the first Cross European Border project which aims to introduce LNG as the main fuel for the shipping industry and develop a sufficient infrastructure network for a bunkering value chain. It focuses in the eastern Mediterranean region with five Member States (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia) involved.