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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014River approaching Flood Stage
May 28, 2015, United States, Houston, Texas

The San Jacinto River near Sheldon is predicted to reach Flood Stage of 10 ft at approximately 1900 hours today (Thursday 28 May). The river is predicted to continue rising, reaching 11.3 ft on Saturday (30 May).

These predictions exclude further rainfall. Additional rainfall will serve to increase the flood conditions.

The National Weather Service and US Geological Service links will help you track the progress of the river:



Vessel Traffic Service Houston Galveston has established the I-10 Bridge in the San Jacinto River as a temporary VTS reporting point. Vessels shall check-in with “Houston Traffic” on CH 05a prior to transiting the I-10 bridge.

At flood stage on the San Jacinto River, the Captain of the Port Houston-Galveston will establish a Safety Zone with the following mandates:

1) The Safety Zone shall extend 500 feet above the I-10 Highway bridge down river to 500 feet below the bridge.

2) Barge movements in the safety zone shall be limited to tonnage/horsepower ratio of 5 tons per horsepower. Assist boats shall have at least 800 horsepower and be solely dedicated to that function.

3) Vessels with loaded barges will be required to use an assist boat and transits will only be permitted during daylight hours. Waivers may be considered by the COTP based upon prevailing conditions.

Traffic management measures for adjacent waterways will be considered for the Houston Ship Channel between beacons 124 and 132. These measures may consist of prohibiting all traffic from meeting or overtaking in this region.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

Inspection & repairs at Eastern Harbour Crossing
May 28, 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

For approximately three months, underwater CCTV inspection and repair works for the cathodic protection system of the Eastern Harbour Crossing will be carried out within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D) and the adjacent shoreline:

(A) 22 deg. 17.902’N / 114 deg. 13.785’E

(B) 22 deg. 17.881’N / 114 deg. 13.748’E

(C) 22 deg. 17.916’N / 114 deg. 13.727’E

(D) 22 deg. 17.923’N / 114 deg. 13.742’E

The works will involve diving operations from time to time using the abutting seawall as the base of operation. One work boat will provide assistance.

The hours of work will be from 0800 to 1800 hours. No works will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. The work boat employed for the works will not stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

The work boat engaged in the works will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and keep clear at slow speed, bearing in mind there are divers working in the area.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.73 of 2015

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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