Steen Nygaard Madsen, COO, Thome Ship Management –Tanker Division with LTC Eric Ng Kok Heng, Head Information Fusion Centre.
The Information Fusion Centre from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) has expressed its appreciation for Thome’s hospitality after the company hosted a visit by 15 Navy and Coastguard delegates from eight nations as part of the regional maritime information sharing exercise programme for Exercise Bell Buoy.
The delegates discussed and shared current security practices within the merchant shipping industry in their respective areas of operations and how these could be applicable to the local context.
The exercise was hosted by RSN from May 18 to 22, 2015. The exercise took place alongside the 10th International Maritime Defence Exhibition (IMDEX) Asia 2015 which was attended by 52 delegations from the navies, air forces and maritime enforcement agencies of 40 countries, as well as 180 exhibitors from around the world. In addition a number of international warships took part in this year’s IMDEX Asia Warships Display.
Thome Group pledged to give its full collaboration and support to international maritime security regimes in their efforts to combat maritime crimes such as piracy, people trafficking and terrorism. Benny Low, Thome Group Security Manager, said: “This task cannot just be from the international maritime security regimes but must be a joint effort involving the due diligence of the entire maritime industry to ensure vessels are protected and do not risk becoming a soft target for criminals.”