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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014

Singapore, all ports
Australia, Melbourne
Turkey, Izmit
Turkey, Turkish Straits
Revisions to Gas Free Inspection Charges
June 09, 2015, Singapore, all ports
Pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Dangerous Goods, Petroleum and Explosives) Regulations, 2005, any vessel which has carried Class “A” petroleum or Class “B” petroleum is not allowed to proceed to any place within the port or into shipyards unless the vessel has been certified free from flammable vapour by an Inspector of Petroleum.The Gas Free Inspection charges have remained unchanged since MPA’s formation in 1996. Following MPA’s recent scheduled review and industry consultation, the revisions to the charges are as follows: 

(a) Standardise Gas Free Inspection Charge:

For vessels with tonnage of less than 1, 000 GT, a charge of $250 applies;

for every additional 5, 000 GT thereafter or part thereof, an additional charge of $70 applies.


(b) Delay/Waiting Charge:

Delay/Waiting charges are at $150 per hour or part thereof.


(c) Cancellation Charge:

(i) Cancellation charges are at $150 per occurrence.

(ii) The cut off timing for the application of cancellation charge has been aligned to that of Gas Free Inspection Booking.


(d) Outside Normal Operating Hours Surcharge :

A 100% surcharge applies.


All the revisions will take effect for inspection bookings made for 1 July 2015

onwards, with the exception of (cii), which will take effect for bookings made for 1

January 2016 onwards.


(For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore atsingapore@gac.com)

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Circular No.07 of 2015

New tariff schedule released
June 09, 2015, Australia, Melbourne
The Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) has released its 2015-16 Reference Tariff Schedule (RTS) for port charges which will apply from 1 July 2015.After considering feedback from stakeholders in response to the Industry Information Paper released in March 2015, PoMC can advise that the overall increase in its fees and charges has been capped at CPI of 2.75% in line with the CPI rate used in the 2015-16 Victorian State Budget. 

In determining the price adjustment for 2015-16, PoMC has taken into consideration a range of factors including industry cost pressures and subdued trading conditions.


To limit the RTS adjustment, PoMC will absorb the forecast under-recovery of the Port Licence Fee (PLF) of around $1 million which will not flow through to the new tariff charges.


PoMC’s harmonisation strategy for wharfage tariffs applied to the import and export of bulk liquid cargo through the Port of Melbourne concludes in 2015-16 with one standard rate for bulk liquid cargo of $4.02 (plus GST) per tonne or cubic metre applicable from 1 July 2015.


The prices outlined in the RTS, together with the Essential Services Commission’s regulatory regime, will remain in place for the financial year 2015-16.


PoMC values the contribution made by the liquid bulk industry to the Port of Melbourne and will continue to work with the industry to meet its requirements.


A copy of PoMC’s 2015-16 RTS is available on PoMC’s website: www.portofmelbourne.com


(For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia atshipping.australia@gac.com)

Source: Port of Melbourne Corporation notice

Safety buoys moved
June 09, 2015, Turkey, Izmit
The safety buoys at Izmit Bay have been relocated as follows due to works on Izmit Bay Suspension Bridge.All vessels trading in the area must sail between the coordinates 029 30 E and 029 32 E at maximum 10 knots and reading at all times VHF 16 and 12. 

Masters of vessels trading in the area should act in line with VTS instructions and take all related precautions accordingly.



R-1 40 45.480 N 029 30.190 E

R-2 40 45.547 N 029 30.708 E

R-3 40 45.502 N 029 31.275 E



G-1 40 45.009 N 029 31.222 E

G-2 40 45.072 N 029 30.617 E

G-3 40 45.010 N 029 31.019 E


For information about operations in Turkey contact GAC Turkey at turkey@gac.com

Traffic to halt for bridge works
June 09, 2015, Turkey, Turkish Straits
The Bosphorus will be closed to traffic from 0500 to 1415 hours local time tomorrow (10 June) due to works on the 3. bridge (Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge).For information about operations in the Turkish Straits contact GAC Istanbul atturkey@gac.com

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