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Home Marine InsuranceSalvage, Towage, Wreck Removals Ardent and Ardentia Marine join forces to remove oil from sunken fishing trawler off the coast of the Canary Islands

Ardent and Ardentia Marine join forces to remove oil from sunken fishing trawler off the coast of the Canary Islands

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ardent logo15 June 2015 – Ardent, the recent merger of Titan and Svitzer Salvage and Ardentia Marine, a leading salvage and diving company based in Spain have been awarded the contract to remove oil from the sunken fishing trawler “Oleg Naydenov” off the coast of Gran Canarias, Spain.ardentia logo

On the 11th of April, the vessel sustained a fire that quickly got out of control. Fortunately all crew were able to
abandon the vessel safely but due to the intensity of the fire, firefighting experts were unable to gain access to board
the vessel and she sank approximately 15 nautical miles southwest of Gran Canarias. The vessel now sits upright on
the seabed at a depth of 2, 700 meters.

The Ardent-Ardentia joint venture has already begun putting the necessary resources in place to execute the
operational plan in a safe and efficient manner. Oil receiving tanks will be submerged to collect oil from the sunken
vessel and hoisted to the surface as they fill up. In addition, subsea recovery domes will be installed over areas where
leaks have been detected in order to further contain any potential environmental pollution. The operation will also be
supported by a full salvage team, the use of remote operated vessels (ROV) and heavy lifting equipment from the
surface side. Ardent-Ardentia will be working in close coordination with La Sociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad
Marítima (SASEMAR) to ensure that all immediate and long term threats to the environment are prevented.

About Ardent
Ardent is the merger of Svitzer Salvage and Titan Salvage to create a more modern and effective service for
businesses in the maritime sector. Building on the heritage of two respected salvage companies, our offer covers risk
mitigation, emergency response, wreck removal, offshore decommissioning and underwater services. Ardent is
headquarted in Houston, Texas with key hubs located in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Singapore. These
locations are supported by offices in Australia, Brazil, South Korea, Greece, the Middle East and South Africa.

About Ardentia Marine
Founded by a group of experienced professionals working in the Subsea intervention business, Ardentia Marine has
become a strong player in the Marine Salvage, Engineering and Commercial Diving fields.
Keeping focus on customer requirements and addressing projects from experience and ingenuity are our keys to
achieve results on time and exceeding expectations.

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