LONDON: August 6, 2015: Fathom Maritime Intelligence have reported a staggering 60% increase in nominations for the Ship Efficiency Awards 2015 compared to the inaugural Ship Efficiency Awards held last year. Over 95 nominations across the five award categories have been received.
Although these awards are relatively new to the industry, an independent, highly-reputed judging panel equipped with rigorous judging criteria for six different award categories have ensured thatthese awards are acknowledged as a significant recognition for excellence in efficient operations, technological innovation and energy efficiency throughout the shipping industry.
The highly-esteemed judging panel for the 2015 awards consists of Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General/COO BIMCO; Oskar Levander, VP Innovation, Engineering & Technology Rolls-Royce; Roger Strevens, VP Global Head of Environment Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics; and Tristan Smith, Research Associate, University College London. The judging proceedings will be overseen by the awards’ Chairman Katharine Palmer, Environmental Manager, Lloyd’s Register.
The Ship Efficiency Awards are divided into six different categories: Energy Efficiency Solution, Environmental Technology, Initiative of the Year, Sustainable Ship Operator of the Year, The One to Watch and The Outstanding Contribution to Ship Efficiency Award (as voted by the public).
“The sheer volume and quality of the nomination entries that Fathom received this year is testament to the monumental efforts occurring in the industry and we are looking forward to seeing what the Ship Efficiency Awards 2015 will reveal”, commented Catherine Austin, Executive Director, Fathom Maritime Intelligence.
The winners of the 2015 Ship Efficiency Awards, hosted by Lloyd’s Register, will be announced at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London on September 9, 2015 during an afternoon awards ceremony. This award ceremony promises to be a great highlight of both Ship Efficiency: The Event, and London International Shipping Week.
Shortlisted finalists for each award category will be announced on August 18, 2015.
Contactevents@fathom-mi.comto secure your invitation to the Ship Efficiency Awards 2015.