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Home Marine InsuranceArbitration HFW Briefing: Dubai court issues landmark judgment recognising and enforcing a foreign arbitral award

HFW Briefing: Dubai court issues landmark judgment recognising and enforcing a foreign arbitral award

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HFW Sept 2015 a

Dubai court issues landmark judgment recognising and enforcing a foreign arbitral award

In a recent landmark judgment handed down by the Dubai Court of Appeal, Holman Fenwick Willan’s Middle East shipping team, including Partner Yaman Al Hawamdeh and Associate Anas Al Tarawneh, has successfully obtained a judgment ordering the recognition and enforcement of a London arbitration award in the UAE. This judgment is of particular significance as it confirms that UAE courts should consider the validity of the underlying arbitration clause in the context of the New York Convention and the foreign law governing the contract. The judgment is also the first of its kind ordering the recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award made on the basis of an unsigned charterparty.
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