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GAC 01072014

Sweden, Gothenburg
Sweden, all ports
Australia, Sydney
Port to offer natural gas bunkering
September 07, 2015, Sweden, Gothenburg
New bunkering regulations for ships operating on LNG have been drafted by the Gothenburg Port Authority and the Port of Rotterdam together with the Swedish Transport Agency.The regulations will allow cargo ships to bunker LNG at a cargo terminal and are the first general regulations to be introduced in Sweden….


….There are major environmental benefits to be gained from using LNG in shipping. Sulphur and particle emissions are reduced to almost zero, nitrogen emissions are reduced by 85-90% and carbon dioxide emissions by 25%.


The regulations not only cover bunkering from land using a road truck but also from a bunker vessel, what is known as ship-to-ship bunkering. Requirements governing safety zones, weather, bunker vessels, receiving vessels, terminals and other aspects are included in the new operating regulations….


….By next year, the Port of Gothenburg will be visited regularly by LNG-powered ships….


….For the time being, natural gas will come from terminals outside Gothenburg although eventually there will be an import terminal for LNG at the Port of Gothenburg.


At the turn of the year a new port tariff was introduced at the Port of Gothenburg, which means that LNG-powered ships will receive a 30 per cent discount on the port charge when they visit the port. Over a year this will amount to a significant sum for those that call on a regular basis….


(For information about operations in Sweden contact GAC Sweden at sweden@gac.com)

Source: Source: Port of Gothenburg http://www.portofgothenburg.com/News-desk/Press-releases/fdff/

Tonnage tax proposed
September 07, 2015, Sweden, all ports
The Swedish government has proposed a Swedish tonnage tax system. The aim is for Swedish shipping companies to compete under equal conditions with companies in other countries in Europe.At Donsö Shipping Meet 2015, the Minister for Infrastructure Anna Johansson presented the government’s maritime strategy. At the same time, she revealed that a Swedish tonnage tax will be introduced in summer 2016. Tonnage tax means that Swedish shipping companies will operate under competitive conditions similar to companies in other countries in Europe….


….Swedish ships have been registered under flags of convenience for many years. Last year, the Swedish merchant fleet decreased by a further six ships, making 320 in all. Sweship, formerly the Swedish Shipowners’ Association, estimates that the introduction of the tonnage tax will over the next ten years result in 300 new ships sailing under the Swedish flag and 17, 000 new jobs….


….Tonnage tax, also known as blue tax, is a voluntary tax system to which companies can become affiliated. Tonnage tax makes it possible for shipping companies to pay tax in Sweden according to fixed tariffs based on the net tonnage of the ships. Corporation tax is levied on the tonnage income instead of the actual commercial profit, thus making it a competitive and transparent tax. It is a predictable system that offers good continuity for the shipping industry.


(For information about operations in Sweden contact GAC Sweden at sweden@gac.com)

Source: Extract from Port of Gothenburg (www. http://www.portofgothenburg.com/News-desk/News-articles/Sweden-introduces-tonnage-tax-/)

Low sulphur fuel regulation for cruise ships
September 07, 2015, Australia, Sydney
From 1 October, a new regulatory amendment will come into effect which requires cruise ships calling to use low sulphur fuel (01% of less) while berthed in Sydney Harbour.A second stage of the amended regulation, which will require the use of low sulphur fuel (0.1% or less) while in Sydney Harbour (including while berthed) will come into effect from 1 July 2016.


Exceptions from the requirement to use low sulphur fuel are provided in some circumstances, for example, ship safety and emergency situations or technical problems. Ships may seek approval from the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to use alternative methods to achieve an equivalent reduction in sulfur oxide and particulate matter emissions, for example, the use of exhaust scrubbers.


Public consultation on the draft Regulation amendment was held in June 2015. Further consultation will be undertaken with communities in regional NSW ports about the broader application of the low sulphur fuel requirements.


The NSW Government is also assessing possible options for reducing emissions from the broader shipping sector in NSW waters.


For further details or information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia atshipping.australia@gac.com

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