John Faraclas outside the Greek Parliament: Watch this space…
The results of today’s election in Greece will now ensure whether the winners can deliver! 45 per cent of the voters abstained in casting their vote; a very dangerous figure with incalculable, detrimental so to speak repercussions / projections; you dead well know what I mean. John Faraclas prognosis after this fifth election “battle” in only six years…
It is now that SYRIZA/ANEL must really deliver for the benefit of all Greeks. We still maintain the view that under the circumstances these elections were not needed as portrait and a team of Aristos to rule the country, stream-line the economy in all fronts, was the best option; time will tell. Remember this when the situation becomes unbearable, unless Tsipras opts for unifying the Greeks against the common enemy of austerity, dictatorial taxation and performing an unsustainable deal with the lenders. Let’s see if he dares proceed to structural reforms, very much needed not just under the circumstances, but for the long term/for ever…
The losers, party-wise can be seen from their performance/percentage. ND must change (not just make) or break! Nothing changed as no real change took place within the party; no excuses. Nemessis wisely strikes to all those who have destroyed Greece so far! It seems though that Europe and in particular Germany clearly “opted” for Tsipras; measures taken can be easily passed by him, for the public cannot react in the streets under a SYRIZA/ANEL government who must now perform the bail-out agreement. If not, expect The Mess!
We hope to see Catharsis take place for the benefit of all Greeks and Europe; it is about time Tsipras proceeds with this “left” over situ/unsettled matter.
Lastly, let’s see if Tsipras can change the electoral system and then he can see the outcome of any forthcoming election. It is a democratic demand/task he must here and now perform; end of the story!