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Home Markets 498 you read correct; the dry market collapses further…

498 you read correct; the dry market collapses further…

by admin
John Faraclas

John Faraclas

Our forty-seventh weekly recapitulation of the shipping markets, their respective main indices and world geopolitics affecting same in 2015 and beyond, tonight Friday the 20th of November 2015, with John Faraclas of AllAboutShipping in London.

  • Following yesterday BDI’s (Baltic Dry Index) all time low at 504 points, we are experiencing now, for the first time the breaking of the barrier of 500 points! That’s five points less than the previous one at 509 on 18 February, and  the  Index, closed …further down six points since yesterday Thursday the 19th of November at 498 points, which is 62 points down since last week’s 560  points, regrettably re-confirming our predictions! Now this 498 points is far below the December 2013 closing of 2, 274 points, a difference of 1, 776 points! Catastrophe, oh no… just chaos favourable, beneficial possibly, only for those with contingency overall plans set long ago; and long ago means back in 2008! That’s of course for the Dry markets but the Wets too are not on par with what they should have been standing as both Dirty and Clean are still very low… Add the consequences of the Paris and Beirut massacres, the Mali one; the shipping world is now very different… and will remain for the foreseeable future!
  • The BCI was down 13 points at 606 which is minus 203 points from last week’s 809; yet another major dive! Many capers are for sale…
  • The BPI was  just five points down at 463, but 51 points further down since last week’s 514 points, breaking also like the BDI the barrier of 500 points… still not good at all, even if this is the best and most promising, in our view, size!
  • The BSI was seven  points down since yesterday at 472 points which is 51 points down since last week’s 523 points…523, and the last of the dry indices,
  • The BHSI was also down, but just two points, at 288 which is 16 points down since last week’s 304 points! which is 19 points down since last week’s 323 points. –The markets dried out completely and this is a fact!
  • The wets now and the last published indices: Dirties and its BDTI index stood at 883, that’s four point up since last and 30 points higher since last week’s 853 points!
  • The Cleans and the respective BCTI remained the same at 522, but ten points higher than last week’s 512 points. So there is something to …”celebrate” here…
  • On the Ship Sale and Purchase front: promising markets in all fronts!
  • The price of oil gained a bit and fluctuates between to US$41 to 42 and we shall see with the further developments how will develop…

On the geopolitics front things continue in an expanding mess:

The terror in Paris just after our last week’s reporting (13 Nov. 2015) didn’t come as a shock to us; one has to read all our previous analysis and see the reasons clearly stipulated there. The situation might get off-hand if Europe’s leaders don’t saw a well performed zero tolerance. Organisational political skills: a must! Otherwise, it will be hell! Can the politicians deliver? One needs to break-up the financial supporters of terrorists, one and for all. Let’s hope we can expose them soon! Now add…

  • The migrants issue, as we have mentioned every single week since this mid-summer, continues to create more mess and the situation becomes detrimental for all nations involved with incalculable repercurrsions…
  • In Greece things are getting far worse every single second in all fronts – the current coalition government loses slowly slowly is strength and the opposition too is in tatters… Only the 12 Gods know what will happen, as the Greek public for sure will revolt in many ways…
  • The Ukrainian saga continues…
  • Russia’s might re-appears in Ukraine and beyond…
  • China’s economic status drops further…
  • Back on the Islamic State now and following the atrocities in Paris, France enters more forcefully the bombing campaign, Russian jets continue striking. Assad’s Army regains lost land and power. A very difficult solution to be expected there…as the Syrian saga must end.  Enough with hypocrites!
  • We remind you once again the last two weeks words here: “The world enters a recession but the politicians and their cronies ignore it on purpose. The credit issue and mess from the credit cards spending have spiralled world-wide with incalculable repercussions!” So what next!
  • The Bureuau Veritas Beaujolais night was indeed grea on all counts!
  • The visit to London of Indian’s Minister of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways a great success!
  • Finally, we continue to invite the world to visit Greece and its islands even at this time of the year; that will counter as a plus the troubles Greece and its people are still going through; add the migrants issue. We repeat that Greece is for all seasons! We will also continue to repeat the fact that the Turkish government by allowing the traffickers to move the migrants to the Greek islands not only spoils Greece’s tourism but will eventually create the worst explosion in the East Med… Let’s see what Europe does to Turkey and relax their leaders so we all avoid the big clash! Bluffing with the Turks as Germany and France as well as other countries in Europe and the US do, will only make things worse. We cannot accept any further Turkish blackmail! It seems that Europe over the last 200 years doesn’t have a clue on how to deal with the Turks!

Now think about visiting Skopelos and Skiathos in north west Aegean Sea. Still an exceptional nice weather all over Greece. On the other side of Europe try a holiday anywhere in Spain and outside Europe try Uruguay; Montevideo is a great place for a good holiday …round…

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