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Home Associations RINA – Lloyd’s Register Maritime Safety Award

RINA – Lloyd’s Register Maritime Safety Award

by admin

RINA UK LOGOThe safety of the seafarer and the maritime environment begins with good design, followed by sound construction and efficient operation. Naval architects and engineers involved in the design, construction and operation of maritime vessels and structures can make a significant contribution to safety and the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, with the support of Lloyd’s Register, wishes to recognise the achievement of engineers in improving safety at sea and the protection of the maritime environment. Such recognition serves to raise awareness and promote further improvements.

The Maritime Safety Award is presented annually to an individual, company or organisation that in the opinion of the Institution and Lloyd’s Register is judged to have made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of maritime safety or the protection of the maritime environment. Such contribution may have been made by a specific activity or over a period of time. Individuals may not nominate themselves. Nominations are invited for the 2015 Maritime Safety Award.

Nominations of up to 750 words should describe the nominee’s contribution to:

  • safety of life or protection of the maritime environment through novel or improved design, construction or operational procedures of ships or maritime structures
  • the advancement of maritime safety through management, regulation, legislation or development of standards, codes of practice or guidance
  • research, learned papers or publications in the field of maritime safety
  • education, teaching or training in maritime safety issues

LR working togetherThe closing date for nominations is 31 December 2015. The Award will be announced at the Institution’s 2016 Annual Dinner.

Nominations may be made by any member of the global maritime community and should be forwarded online at  www.rina.org.uk/MaritimeSafetyAward  or by email to MaritimeSafetyAward@rina.org.uk

Queries about the Award should be forwarded to the Chief Executive at hq@rina.org.uk

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