John Faraclas
Just for the record there was a further drop in the Dry Markets and the BDI lost another 13 points since yesterday closing at 471, yet another historic low record!
With the exception of the Panamaxes and the respective BPI index which closed up, surprise surprise, four points at 415, all other Indices were in a downward mood, with the Capers in a free fall and the BCI down 74 points at 549, the BSI down one at 448, the BHSI down one at 275…
So, here we go again in uncharted waters; a market for strong nerves, but, those with an alternative thinking will go ahead. Many pray for War, and I do sympathise, as “War Father of All; if you don’t destroy you cannot rebuilt – the pitiful message from history.
The Wets with mixed …”feelings”, the Dirties another 7 points down at 897 points, but the Cleans and the respective BCTI doing …well at 564, a plus of six points!
Equally the energy issue will play a fundamental role and the Alternative Sources of energy will be the name of the game. Be on guard in any sector you are enterprising…
If this market figures continues, except many bankruptcies… Greediness has its day, wrong assessments too.
We have though the remedy!