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Home ShipmanagementBunkering Make Bunker and Shipping Training Your New Year’s Resolution

Make Bunker and Shipping Training Your New Year’s Resolution

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Make 2016 the year that you act positively to improve your knowledge of shipping and bunkering. The better you understand the business you are in, the more productive you will be for your employer and the more satisfying it will be for you.Petrospot is running three unique one-day courses in London in mid-January (see below), all designed to significantly raise your level of understanding of shipping and bunkering, whether you work for a charterer or owner, a bunker supplier or trader, a maritime law firm or P&I club, a fuel testing agency or an insurance company.Save 10% if you sign up for two courses and 15% if you sign up to all three.
An Introduction to Shipping . 12 January . London
Shipping London 2016 This one-day course explains the basics of ships and the business of shipping. It aims to educate and inform newcomers to shipping and those whose jobs require a basic grasp of how the industry works.The course covers the essential elements of vessels, cargo and shipping. Subjects addressed include trade routes, the fundamentals of shipping and ship types, the port environment, navigation, onboard ship organisation and manning, chartering, broking, classification and insurance, international maritime conventions, finance, bunkering, and essential information on key technical, operational, legal and commercial issues.The course content provides an indispensable checklist for those embarking on a career in the maritime sector or for those whose business requires an understanding of shipping commerce and practices.Click here for more information and to register.
An Introduction to Bunker Disputes . 13 January . London
Bunkering London 2016 This one-day training course is designed to provide a solid base from which delegates may heighten their understanding of bunker claims and how to avoid them. It will identify the main causes of bunker disputes and demonstrate how careful planning can minimise the risk; it will show how potentially costly disputes can be avoided in the first place; and it will give some guidance as to what might be done should a dispute lead to an expensive claim and damages.The course will examine the types of bunker claims most prevalent in the industry and offer advice on how these claims might be assessed. It will look at bunker quality, bunker quantity and delays, three of the most common sources of disputes, and suggest practical procedures that can be implemented to reduce the chances of disputes arising. The course will also look in more depth at the fuels being supplied and used, and will tackle the problem from the point of view of the charterers and owner.Click here for more information and to register.
An Introduction to Fuel Measurement . 14 January . London
FM London 2016 The measurement of the quantity of fuel delivered to ships remains the trigger point for the majority of disputes between buyers and sellers of marine fuel. As business margins increasingly come under pressure, it is essential that purchasers of bunker fuel take delivery of the product they have paid for – inaccurate measurement, whether through poor practice or through intentional short delivery, can result in significant financial losses.Fuel measurement can also lead to disagreement between a buyer and a ship’s receiving staff, yet it is one of the few routine operations for which vessel personnel and those dealing with the commercial aspects of the deal have very little training.  This sharply-focused one-day course provides an invaluable introduction to the measurement techniques, equipment, and practices involved in fuel delivery. It has relevance to all those involved in any way in the commercial and physical operations associated with the supply of bunkers.The course covers the basics of fuel measurement – the ‘how, what, where and when’. It also looks at ways of measuring fuel – thermometers, gauges, density and direct/indirect level techniques.Click here for more information and to register.

Click here to see Petrospot’s unique range of maritime training books.

The Petrospot Academy offers a wide range of high quality, professional training courses on shipping and bunkering. They are taught around the world by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable experts in the maritime sector. With core training approved by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) and endorsed by the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA), these courses can also be taught in-house and adapted to suit particular requirements.

 IMarEST CPD 220px  videoClick on the image to view the video.
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